Hi Driving in 1st snowy day in 2019 Iran,karaj It was wonderful.front lighting is being hidden. Really i doubt to drive above 60km/h in favor of sanction and lqck of spare parts and increasing the risk of accident... Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Nice picture, but it's probably not worth going out on a day like that, unless you really have to be somewhere. In addition to the risk of an accident, the roads may be salted, which doesn't do your car any good, either.
Hi You are right. The snow had started middle of my driving and weahter was rainy. I had to continue my trip from Dr. to my home.. Really,i sensed reliability and i am happy that i bought prius 2years ago.(15500 kilometers in 2years) Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
I have another cheap car for my daily usage and going to work and comming back to home and as i said before,because of high price of consuamble and spare parts,i use my prius for long trip Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Prius rides quite nicely on snow. You just need good winter tires. The only problem is that LED headlights do not produce any heat. So during heavy snowing and night driving you need to clean them quite often by stopping the car, getting out and cleaning them manually.
Yes Led headlights not working in.heavy snowy roads and it was an experience for me. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
I never thought about that, but that would be something to be concerned about in a snowstorm. So far here though, the weather has been unseasonably warm - 50F. today.
Not sure why the headlight washers were removed for the Gen 4. I thought they were the reason why it was included in the Gen 3 with LED headlights. I guess it's not a requirement in North America but you'd think Toyota wants their customer to be safe in a snowstorm with the ability to clean the headlights.
Headlight washers are not a requirement for LED headlights in Europe, too. So i suspect Gen4 has no washer option globally. But it would be handy for winter times.
We have the washer jets on our third gen (has the the LED headlights), but have yet to need or use them, apart from just testing.
One car I had with headlamp washers was a 1988 Ford Granada and it needed them as it had tinted headlamps, what was all that about ?
Sounds like not using pure washer-fluid. I learned that some in southern states dilute with water. Big mistake. Here in the north, I never had mine freeze up. 5 winters here in Minnesota, they worked great. I used them routinely throughout the messy season.
Hi I agree. With washers,another problem add to hidden headlights. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.