Generally not, but you can always ask. Every dealer has their own promotional deals. For a Gen 2 the Flat rate labor allowance is 0.7 hrs. Another recommendation is too hook up a secondary 12v source to the jump start posts. This will keep all the memory presets and customer configurations from resetting to factory defaults. Even if you got a battery from Batteries Plus there is an installation fee if you want them to do it. $10-$20 typically. Probably more for a Chrysler product because of where its located. iPhone X ?
Bennington and Brattleboro both have Advanced Auto stores, call one, tell them what you have, have them order the battery you need, (hint-an Optima Yellow Top) and they will install for free. Their coupon page offers 22% off, print one out.
Reverse roles: you're selling batteries, and you're also offering installs. Both cost the part and the service cost you. If the install is free probably the battery price is inflated a bit.
Geez I hate the 12 hour (or whatever it is) edit window: second sentence above pretty mangled, lol. You get the gist I guess...