Just bought the vehicle. At around 60 MPH, especially on the freeway there is quite a bit of wind noise coming from the front driver's side. Is this normal? Seems a bit excessive. Could there be a gasket or trim not installed correctly? My first post, Thanks!
welcome! try folding the mirror in and see if it changes, but i think there might be another thread about poor gasketing.
I've had the same problem with wind noise from the driver's window. It's a loud, gurgling, fast ticking-type noise coming somewhere around the corner of the window where it meets the sill (closest to the seat belt). I bought the car in March and it was at the dealer three times trying to fix it with no luck (and no real concern from them). It's positively horrible. I drive 5-600 highway miles a week and am it's so irritating I'm thinking of selling the car just to keep some degree of sanity. Such a disappointment. I wonder if we have the same noise.
Oh dear, sorry to hear that, but you're not alone. Someone else has reported the problem this year. As I'm in UK, I'll wait for one of your fellow countrymen to advise on best action. @Tideland Prius on Canada is the moderator of the North and he may be able to guide you. If not, there will be others on the forum willing to help, so welcome to Prius Chat.
I believe there have been one or two threads on this (because I remember someone putting a towel there to dampen the sound). It is disappointing. I haven't heard it much but I don't drive the Gen 4 often (The Gen 3 is my main car).
Not trying to hijack this thread, but.......I do have a driver's door that does not Aline/close properly.......I see no way to get to the hinge/mount (for readjustment) without first removing the front fender! .....
When the door is attached in the assembly plant (YouTube video, from 5:08), the door hinges are already bolted to the body, and the door is mounted by installing four centering bolts to secure the door to the hinge. This explains why (on my car, at least) the body hinge bolts are painted and the door hinge bolts are not. Notice how the operator puts a protective cover over the edge of the door at 5:45 and removes it at 6:06; between these two steps, we hear the air wrench operate four times as he installs the bolts. The Repair Manual (available by subscription to techinfo.toyota.com), under Vehicle Exterior: Door/Hatch: Front Door: Adjustment, doesn’t mention having to remove any body parts, but it does say to replace the centering bolts used at the factory with standard bolts, available as service parts, when making an adjustment, and it gives the torque specifications for the hinge bolts on the body (26 N·m) and on the door (21 N·m). It also says to use a Special Service Tool, the Door Hinge Set Bolt Wrench, part number 09812-00020, a box end wrench with two 90° bends in the handle. I haven’t seen this SST myself, so I’m not sure, but this may be a misprint; the hinge bolts on my car are all 12 mm across the flats, and the SST is listed as a 14 mm wrench. The 12 mm wrench is 09812-00010. More importantly, the manual has an illustrated list of fourteen clearance measurements for the door, relative to the body and the rear door, and a standard range for each. If possible, I’d suggest finding the measurements that are out of specification, and then asking a dealer to adjust the door under warranty, so everything related to bolts, SSTs, damaged paint, stripped holes, etc., would be their responsibility.
Thank You for that info. ......that wrench, 09812-00010. may do it......wow!, $46.00 ......the "Latch" side (only) of my door needs to be raised, necessitating re-positioning the hinges on the body......sure do hate the idea of letting the dealer "Have/At/It"! ....
That could have been me. I put a towel there to locate source of wind noise. Placing a towel on the front door quarter glass horizontal base area eliminated the wind noise. Never did pursue it with dealership though. The other source of wind noise was also from the sunroof. Basically when closing it from the vent postition it wouldn't seat correctly thus created wind noise, work around was to open sunroof in slide mode and then close it. But if placed in vent postition and closed again the wind noise would come back. Again , never bothered having the dealership tear down the sunroof over this. Not worth the hassle ;-) SM-N950U ?
You’re most welcome, and thanks for letting us know how it turned out. Just to confirm (so I can ask for a correction to the Repair Manual), you used the 12 mm wrench (SST 09812-00010), right?
Bought a new 2018 Prius One. Didn't drive it on the Highway before the purchase. When I was driving it back from the dealer, I noticed at speed above 55 MPH, a kind of irritating crinikling noise coming from the driver door, was not able to pinpoint it. Took it to the dealership, they said it is the rubber around the window. They will change it. Too bad, my first Toyota, and this happened. Seems QC is not good enough.
I took it to Stevens Creek Toyota (San Jose), and they were able to considerably mitigate the noise. While my car was being serviced, I took a loaner which was a 2017 Prius Three, and I could hear the exact same type of noise in the loaner. Here is the service report, if any one is interested, with the part they replaced: F. DR GLS RUN 1 SIDE ~|~CUSTOMER STATES HE HEARS A LIGHT ANNOYING CRINKLING PAPER TYPE OF SOUND COMING FROM THE LEFT FRONT DOOR AREA AT SPEEDS ABOVE 60 MPH. CUSTOMER HEARS IT ALL THE TIME AT THOSE SPEEDS.CHECK AND ADVISE. ~|~WEAK SEAL ~|~217 C : HEARS LIGHT ANNOYING CRINKLING NOISE FROM LEFT FRONT DOOR AREA . C : I TEST DROVE VEHICLE AND CONFIRMED COMPLAINT . AFTER INSPECTION I FOUND NOISE COMING FROM L/F WINDOW RUN / SEAL . FOUND RUBBER TO BE EXCESSIVELY DRY AND NOT FLEXIBLE .REPLACED LE PARTS NAME PART # QTY RUN, FR DOOR GLASS, 6815147051 1
I have a 2019 Prius wind noise starts around 45 mph. Toyota is aware of the wind noise, but does not have a repair solution, so they call it normal wind noise. Toyota told me to test drive a new Prius. Drove a 2021, wind noise at 55 mph. None of the master mechanics knew of this problem.