I found out that the chargers put in at work were done in partnership with Greenlots. They have an app and their website makes broad statements with marketing speak. Does anyone have any real experience with them?
Will there be a cost? My rough estimate (with gas at about $3) is a Prime full charge is worth about a buck.
Facilities here on campus don't even know. The head guy said perhaps it would be free at first and then, once they've got things figured out, they might start charging just for the cost of electricity. That's when I mentioned charging costs compared to gasoline costs, much like you indicated. I found out this morning that I seem to be the first person on campus with a plug-in vehicle (and I don't even have it yet). I'll be trailblazing the path it seems.
Greenlots app and charger is very clunky, like beta version of ChargePoint. We have Greenlots and ChargePoint and I use the Greenlots only if the ChargePoint are full. The app can’t remember chargers so you have to scan a barcode on the charger stand every time. Even then, it prompts you to choose which cable you will use- but the cables are not labeled, so you have to guess which one to plug into your car. Even if you try to “favorite” the charger in the app it forgets ever time. No updates about charging from the app- history, locations, charging time...It’s like the app was a high school science project.
PS. My company just installed the chargers and the #1 issue is getting pickup truck & SUV drivers not to take up the spaces.
So now it’s a national trend Truck owners are blocking Tesla Superchargers in 'ICE-ing' protests - Business Insider
el dobro just posted an article: it is now illegal to park a non plug in vehicle in a plug in spot in illinois. private or public, violators will be towed. let's hope it starts catching on
Also ChargePoint and GreenLots signed an agreement to roam on each other’s networks. So right now, if you have a ChargePoint account, you can roam on FLO (Canada) and GreenLots