About 70% of the times I enter my Prius, my left pants leg gets caught on the e-brake pedal. Does this happen to you, or is it just me?
I have driven a Prius for over 11 years and never had that problem. I was thinking of a wise crack too but as usual bisco beat me to it.
could height have anything to do with it? i'm only 5'-7" with a 29 inseam, and have never had it happen. bell bottoms?
Depends on just where. At Seattle's Folklife Festival, at the Fisher Pavilion Roadhouse, I always several bearded 50+ year old men out on the dance floor in dresses. But only the skinny to average ones, not the fat ones. The fat ones stick to the kilt-wearing crowd. And I see a lot more men in kilts than in actual dresses.
If you moved to SF that would not be a problem. Never had that problem either. What kind of pants are these?
This hasn't happened to me, but one thing I have noticed is that the rubber cover for the parking brake lever comes off if you pull from the inboard (car side) of the cover. Maybe removing this cover will help prevent the snagging you speak of?