Map/Dome interior light upgrade I read a few of the other threads and saw some really great work, but I decided to go for a gentler touch. Rather than adding lights, I added reflectors. I removed the front dome/map light assembly from the car, removed the bulbs and set to work at improving the reflector backing of the assembly. To make a much more effective reflector, I used household aluminum foil and automotive adhesive. I took about a square foot of foil and sprayed it with an even coating of 3M 77 glue and let it set. Then, I used some fine scissors to cut leaves out of the foil and then carefully applied them into the reflector cups of the lamp assembly, taking care to keep clearance from all of the embedded electrical contacts. The result is a much more reflective lampholder. Any bulb I put in will now cast more light. Then I added some LED conversion assemblies and put it back together. I did the same thing with the boot lamp in the back. (Photos to come in an edit soon)
This is the most useful picture to illustrate the conversion. It's just tinfoil glued onto the plastic cups. You can see that the stock reflector finish isn't very reflective at all. It's just dull gray plastic. Black plastic for the boot lamp, shown in background. The glue I used is expected to keep things in place through a car's worth of temperatures for 15+ years. The LED assemblies I used (not pictured) were randomly selected from Amazon. If you search for "Yorkim T10" you will probably find the same ones I used.
LED lamps can be highly directional. A lamp well selected to match the housing (e.g. end-emitting, or side-emitting, no need for omnidirectional lamps) doesn't need any sort of reflector at all.
Agreed. I didn't see anything promising in terms of a specific beam from an LED, so I chose very generic ones with 5 elements (every direction except base) and improved the reflector.
Hii.. How did you remove the dome light complete?.. I tried to removed it but cannot fin any screws to unmounted it. Please help..
no screws. It's held in place by spring tension. I used a plastic prybar to gently pry the unit out of its socket in the ceiling. I recall it worked best starting from the forward edge. once you get enough of it popped, the rest will go and you'll have the whole thing out in your hand. The clear face also comes off by prying, so make sure you are prying out the correct layer. You'll be able to see the gray plastic of the base. Make sure you disconnect the 12v battery before you start- there is opportunity to short the light circuit to ground unless you are careful.
The forward edge.-- the edges the has the buttons? And Spring tension? is it the plastic Clips like in the door panel?
Closest to the front of the car. They aren't the same kind of clips, they don't have the same positive popping action but it is a similar amount of prying force involved.
Hi all, I replaced my 2 dome light bulbs, and the 1 trunk bulb, with these LED's I got off Amazon. They've been working without issue for around 1.5 years now, and I am extremely, extremely happy with the brightness. I had done research and these seemed to be the brightest LED's (most individual LED elements mounted on the "bulb") for the cost. I think that's it for interior light bulbs, just those 3 ? My only disappointment is that the rear seating area is still very dark, since there's no dome light in the middle of the cabin, and the front seats block light being cast into the rear seat area. I'm about to make a separate post asking if anyone's tried installing their own additional dome light, so I'd appreciate any feedback there too if anyone's tried doing that ?