You da man!! Yes, definitely! Many a time I've nursed my Prime home on tenths of a mile, and made it. Dude, it's the OCD pleasure of winning, silly contest as it is; hey some people get their rocks off on playing video games, or watching sports; at least we're messing with something that's real, unimportant as is may seem to others. Different strokes for different folks! Whatever makes you happy. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
I remember the early days when i got the car , i was 2 streets away from home and about 0.1 Km left on the battery Guess-O-Meter. I was going maybe at 25 Km/h .. my wife was exasperated and asked me: do you want me to get out of the car and push it? I said yes, and of course she hit me with her purse
I read that last line a bit quick, sounds good as "I said yes, of course, and then she hit me with her purse."
Two days ago, coming home from work, I should have charged in the driveway when I got home. The evil traffic lights conspired several times to stop me at the last second that relatively chilly day. Wasted probably a mile of range on those hard stops. I nursed that last 0.1 mile of range for about five blocks. One foot from the garage, the engine started up. Arrrrgggghhhhh!!!! But it's a fun game.
When I was recently in San Francisco, I took an Uber that the app proudly told me was an electric car. It turned out it was a PiP. I had just gotten my Prime so I was asking him how many miles per charge does he get, and he's like, I have no idea because I am out on the road all day and afraid I will run out of electric. I was trying to explain to him that's not how it works, but he didn't seem to get it. He must have bought it used and no one told him. My husband is surprised I haven't tired of my efforts to keep the battery charged as much as possible. He thought after a week I would not want to walk out during lunch to move my car off the charger. And now I am driving him nuts because I am charging it up at a free charger we now have access to at home so I can finally make our whole round trip work commute on battery, as long as I have access to the chargers. But when I don't, I do whatever I can to save the most battery for when the car has to go up the steepest hills. It is like a game to me.
Haha. I'm glad I'm not the only who gets unnecessarily nervous when the battery starts getting low as I approach my neighborhood...