Before getting caught in a vehicle with that much massive Grill work, I would have to get massive Grill work done on myself so that borh my car & my face could both be ridiculously over-the-top. So, sure the thing is all fake, but are they trying to say Lexus customers believe an EV has that huge a radiator? .
Maybe Lexus engineers' design to cool the battery pack? Guess they found a better way than liquid cooled.
That's simply a picture of the current UX. The real problem is that the UX has poor rear passenger and luggage space, so adding a bigger battery would be a problem unless they reshape the rear.
"air" cooling does not regulate battery temperatures as well as liquid. Observing long term capacity loss (or lack thereof) of both GM & Tesla's liquid thermal Management systems are examples of how well liquid cooling maintains battery temperatures & thereby insurers traction pack capacity longevity. Conversely, you look at similarly aged Nissan Leaf traction packs, which are only air-cooled, & you see how fast a poorly thermal managed pack can quickly destroy itself capacity wise. Sure, if you live on the coastal Pacific Northwest, or Norway, or the UK, Iceland Finland etc, an air cooled pack won't burn itself up in record time. Problem is, car owners do drive in warm areas because lots of people like to live in warm areas. The first Leafs delivered into the Arizona area (as an example) began experiencing capacity loss their very first summer. Thanks for nothing, Nissan. .