Hello Group, Yesterday my A/C WOULD not GO ON. tHERE'S A HUMMING SOUND WHEN THE a/c BUTTON ON the dash is pressed but No blower. What can I do b-4 I have to take it into my dealer who's 68 miles 1-way from home ??? how would I get a code or reading ?? Could it be a fuse ? Money's is very tight-I'd like to experience a Christmas Miracle and i'm NOT afraid to get my hands dirty. thank you for reading and, sorry for the caps-my cap button sticks. fyi: 2007 lEVEL 5 Prius; 145k miles; recent oil change & levels checked by dealer. Please inform me it you need to know more info. Thanks again, Don
1. Try different fan speeds to see if it'll turn on. 2. You can check if the blower fan is working (under the cabin air filter, behind the lower glove box). 3. If you can get the blower fan to work with a 12v power source, then you would need to replace the controller that's plugged in next to the fan
8:55pm EDT__Thanks TO BOTH jc & bISCO. i think i'm going 2 get dressed & try out your suggestions. it's not easy to sleep when one;s a/c has quite down here in fl. thanks again-i'll keep you posted. regards, Don
HAPPY NEW YEAR'S EVE Folks, I'm THRILLED to announced that in less than 10 min. I opened the lower glove box; took out the cabin filter & simply, gently made the fan spin w/ a long thin screwdriver. YES, it did hum w/ heater & A/C on so i knew it was getting "juice" (current). After removing all the stuff that was in the glovebox & spinning the fan--I moved over to the driver's seat and....V I O L A . . . .A/C !!! HEAT !!! I was thrilled & relieved that we not only had A/C here in Fl. but especially the fact that my wallet again escaped the far-reaching hands of the Grim Reaper !! Thanks to the helpful suggestions of priuschat.com. Have a safe & Happy New Year's Eve and upcoming 2019. THANKS AGAIN, Don
You can order an after market fan now, your fan is probably on its last legs. Just a few screws to remove and it's relatively cheap