The last three times I have gotten gas and filled up I have had gas flow back out of the filler neck and run out on the ground. I would fill to maybe the second or third click and I would get a back flow and gurrgling and bubbling and gas pours out and on the ground, Is this a normal event because I go past the first shut off.
I've had this happen to me also, seemingly on random occasions although I think I notice it more when it's cold out, and I've run the gas level pretty low. There is a rubber bladder inside the tank. And that has caused issues in colder weather for some people. Usually in the ability to get the full amount of gallons into it. You can't always just stopped at the first click, I have done that looked at the gas pump, and there's only five gallons that have gone in and I know it should take 7-9 based on how many miles I've driven. So you tend to try to force a bit more in there because you know there should be room. but I've done the same thing you have where I've gone a little bit too far and it started gurgling and spitting the fuel back out... . Makes a mess. I've had other cars where you overfill it slightly and it spills out slightly but I've never had a car that actually gurgled and spit it back out like it was under pressure or being pumped. Which is how the Prius behaves when it does this. It's probably not good for the car when it gets this. May cause issues with the vapor recovery system. 1 tip in the winter particularly might be to not let the gas level drop too low and to not let it sit overnight mostly empty. Basically try to keep the tank full. That should help keep that rubber bladder fully expanded. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
The car must be new to you. When you get to the gas station open the gas cap first thing you do and let the tank vent a little. That really helps. More it vents the happier it will be. Pump the gas real slow and do not top off unless you like gasoline in your shoes. First click stop filling it up. Unless you wait a little bit for the gas to settle. The bladder is a pain but its a real pain when it gets real cold out and the bladder stiffens up. And don't let it get too empty. Down to 2 pips on the gauge get gas.
Fyi I learned from experience that I should not try to squeeze in more fuel after it clicks off on ANY vehicle (not just prius) puts gas in vapor canister causing CE light. Canister isn't expensive just a PITA to get to. I'm new to prius just filled 1st time today and stopped when it clicked off but noticed didnt register full but after about a minit or 2 after I pulled off the gauge went all the way to full.
I had a situation where my 2008 Prius fuel gauge would just drop to one or two bars...scared me to death one night as I was leaving Miami to drive to Naples and I had just filled up prior to parking for 3 days. I got out, checked under the car for leaks and checked to ensure the gas fill door was locked closed....all was fine. I stopped by the gas station and only got a quick squirt into the tank before it clicked full but I didn't care....I ran it to overflow because I had to drive 120 miles at midnight on Alligator Alley with no open gas station available. Got to Naples and my fuel gauge was blinking like it was on reserve. I put gas in it to overflow again and only got about 2.5 gallons in the tank. Basically, the tank is filling up, but something is wrong with the fuel gauge I thought. I called around, checked with Toyota to see if there was a re-call then finally found a guy on youtube with an answer. He had the identical problem. He found the fuel gauge will re-set itself if you overflow the tank but let it gurgle out for 30 seconds or so expelling all the bubbles trapped in the bladder gas tank they put in 2008 models. Then put the gas cap back on, get your click and go check your fuel gauge.....showed FULL and continued to operate normally. This problem began at about 120,000 miles, then it worked correctly over the next year but then happened again and I used the same procedure to clear the problem. My Prius now has 168K on it and I have not had the problem since. Hope this helps anybody else with a Gen2 Prius. Stoner
Ok just my personal experience. So I tried the, pump the tank at the lowest/slowest setting as a cure for the bladder tank issue not filling all the way. It filled to the point where the gas was spilling. I tried following this method like three times and kept spilling gas and gave up. Now I’m practicing patience and acceptance of things I can change, and the wisdom of accepting things I can’t change.
Maybe you still have plenty of fuel in the car when the reading is at 1 pip. Go one tank until it's empty and see how far you can go. Just bring a gas can with you when you're low and fill up when you're empty.
Nah man f that. I’ve accepted this issue as a car Qwerk and I refuse to spend any psychological energy figuring out this gas tank. I can accept the issue, replace the tank, or get rid of the car. I’ll take option one Pat. Man I’ve put 23,811 miles on this car in the last 9 months. This car is a tank!
@Fartsalot has posted on this site once since (Dec 5th), and never got back to this thread. Maybe took @JC91006 's advice and moved on, lol.
Typical Gen 2 Prius with bladder problems in cold weather. Mine seemed like it was getting worse the older it was.
Another process I have been doing when filling is to put in about a gallon or so and remove the nozzle for a few seconds. When I do that I can hear air gurgling down in the tank and I wait till the noise lets up and then I put in another gallon and wait till the noise stops. After I cycle that process several times I can get more gas in the tank than to just fill till it clics off. It seems to me that the pump nozzle fits so tightly in the fill hole that will cause the tank to get air bound instead of fuel filling up the bladder. Several times I have filled up and stopped after the first clic and later found that the tank never was filled.