So sadly I totaled my Prius recently and I'm now looking into getting a new car. I loved my Prius and was originally looking into getting another one however I also am really enjoying Android Auto in my rental. With that in mind I am looking to see what else is out there. Here's what I would want to have in a car. SKS Reverse Camera Push Button Start Bluetooth with AD2P Android Auto Good gas mileage Reliability The rest is pretty standard stuff that would come with any car that has all this I think. If there is an after market way to put Android Auto in a 3rd generation Prius I'm interested. Unsure if I can afford a 4th generation but if that's possible I'm interested. Likely I won't get approved for a loan beyond $20k and I don't think it'll be that high either. Just curious to see what cars might fit my wants.
Any recommendations that minimize feature loss? I'm thinking a gen 3 at least for Prius but I might be able to swing a 2016 gen 4 as well. Who knows.
Let us know what your commute and regular use needs are for a vehicle? I'm thinking a used Volt might be great for your needs. I think some of the newer ones even have Android Auto. Side note, you may be a little bit disappointed in Android Auto. I am a big Android (and tech) guy, but rarely use Android Auto on our 2018 Leaf. I find it easier to just use bluetooth that automatically connects.
So I make trips that are about 400-800 miles about 2 times a year maybe more or less depending. Other then that I mainly drive local. I'm also thinking a Hyundai Sonata or Elantra hybrid.