Give him some credit? The narrator didn't give any credit to Tesla for also getting into the photovoltaic world, nor the battery backup world. Give him some credit? Mr news talking head oughta take his own advice - maybe get a little more prepared to do the story in its entirety. .
Multi-pioneer with BEV, driver assist, space, tunneling...many tech things. But IMO not PV and battery backup. Many players there before and not necessarily the cost champion either in these categories (residential or commercial). Solar shingles/roof are interesting, but not in the same league as the aforementioned. We've cross shopped PV and battery backup. He's brilliant and there are very few in his league, but not everything he touches turns to gold, just most of it.
It's still a very spun series of statements. If it's support? It's moonwalked into the room. The whole thing starts with a restatement of all the perceived negatives. - Just in case you forgot or didn't know. Since the things Elon Musk has accomplished are undeniable...categorizing them in minimized terms such as "give him some credit" and prefacing things like the Tesla creation as being highly subsidized by green tax credits, is not really ringing the bell of actual endorsement or support. This feels more to me like late admission that Elon Musk has accomplished some good things, and if Elon Musk doesn't care what people say about him? As projected in this piece, then he doesn't care that somebody at Fox thinks he should get some credit. Newsflash: He's already been given that credit. I'm surprised it doesn't end with...."We now return to our regularly scheduled Elon Musk bashing. "
We are living in an era where Elon Musk will go into history as a quirky genius of his time with the likes of Einstein, Henry Ford, and many other notables. I enjoy watching history made.