A simple mouse trap forward the passenger front tire, checked daily. Our mouse count is up to 7 in the last month since they are looking for someplace warmer for winter. We live in a woods, but the car is always in a garage.
Do you have a hole or 2 where they enter? That’s what I did for our garage last year. Put it next to the one entrance point in the garage and ensured they didn’t find another place in the garage to camp out. Ended up getting a couple of dozen of them. But I used the same tactic for rodent removal.
trouble with the garage is the door being open so much without being able to observe the little buggers. we had a company seal up the house foundation last spring, and so far none inside after taking out over 50 last year. we have poison in the garage that has worked well so far, and i don't have to deal with dumping them
Just hope you don’t have to deal with them dying somewhere you’ll have to dig them out of. I don’t mind the carcass carry to the garage bin when compared to the potentials of other solutions .
I prefer these suckers https://www.lowes.com/pd/Victor-PestChaser-3-Count-Ultrasonic-Rodent-Repeller/999982486?cm_mmc=SCE_PLA-_-LawnGarden-_-IndoorPesticide-_-999982486:Victor&CAWELAID=&kpid=999982486&CAGPSPN=pla&store_code=2526&k_clickID=go_625853898_34614677350_111134456230_pla-261161108348_t_1021885&gclid=EAIaIQobChMImaXRvb-x3wIVBI3ICh3DlgftEAQYEyABEgJjlvD_BwE Used to have rat nests on the truck batterie and mice nests and daily gifts in the prius, five years later, no signs, whatsoever.
garage is sealed other than the doors. for some reason, they prefer to die at home, surrounded by family and friends
We got 15 of them in one day with regular traps when we lived in Ohio. It was the first chilly day in October.