Hi I installed a new head unit which was working perfectly, however now it will not power up, I removed the head unit to check for touching wires etc and installed the old oem stereo to check if it worked, but that does not power up either. I have checked fuses 15 16 24 26 31 35 under the dash and also 38 and 44 in the engine bay. None of the fuses seem blown, I was wondering if there are other fuses I should check? The 12v accessory and usb charging still work, its only the stereo that doesnt power on. Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks for the advice, it was fuse 26 under the dash, couldnt see a break in it but replaced it and everything is working now
This likely means that two wires touched each other or a piece of metal behind the stereo. Make sure you are making your connections with something secure and that you cut any wires that aren't connected leaving no metal exposed. I like to use these https://www.crutchfield.com/p_669PP500/Posi-Products-Car-Stereo-Wiring-Harness-Connectors.html?omnews=15085713 since they leave no wire exposed and are very strong, even to terminate unused wires.