I was upgrading the audio on another car and wanted to check that I had all the speakers hooked up with the correct polarity. I ran across a test (I will post the link in my next post...my 5th!) which makes it real easy to check and then decided to check my other cars which had never had their audio modded. My '02 Prius checked out fine, also my home system but the '10 Prius was reversed. I've driven it for almost 9 years and always thought the sound was somehow off but never considered this possibility. I saw a few old threads on this with no resolution but has anyone else noticed this on their gen 3 or care to check it out and report back? Also, I'm considering the easiest way to remedy and thinking I probably would either have to switch one side's wiring at the HU (not fun pulling this, I suspect) or switch the wires on ALL speakers on one side...dash, front door, and rear door, one more maybe...I think there were supposed to be 8 total. Also a lot of work. Any other suggestions for correcting it?
Polarity test: ok, I give up...still says I only have 4 posts. Google "polarity test files" and click the first link.
False alarm...sorry guys, operator error. Was using the Aux input to phone and evidently didn't have the cable pushed all the way in and it was only playing one channel evidently. This morning it checked out OK. Moderator, please delete thread if possible.
I'm pleading stupidity over horribleness...at least I smartened up enough before starting to rip into door panels!
While we're here: reversed polarity means the left and right speakers are out of synch, ie: one retracting while the other's pushing out?