First time poster long time lurker. Was hit the other day at a red light by a Toyota Tundra. Tundra was traveling 50mph. So who thinks my 2014 Prius II is totaled? And no air bags deployed. Thanks
Welcome to Prius Chat and your first post . Probably not the one you wanted to share with that distinction though . There will be significant body repairs and they will approach 75-80% of the cars value. That will be the nail in the coffin. Hope that the accident didn’t hurt you or any of your passengers . Good luck and keep us posted .
Likely totalled. If you've still got the car near-by, would be be good post a more complete profile picture: maybe the whole rear end is slightly bent?
The key photos you need to make this decision is at ground level looking up the side of the car on both sides. What would make it a totaled car is if there's a twist in the overall frame of the whole vehicle... If there's no twist and the rear quarter panel damage is isolated and wasn't spread to the rest of the vehicle than it could be fixed. My best guess is it's totaled and you should pull the hyrbid battery to keep for future use...
50 MPH? I'm surprised to see the traction battery is not under the driver's seat! I hope all turns out well.
Thanks for the responses. Car is being towed to a body shop today since the police officer would not let me drive it lol. The Tundra had a steel bumper with a wench so yes the prius can definitely take a hit.
I'd have to see some pix of the sides, and whether or not the doors open and close. The hatch may be fixable. Actually, it IS fixable. The car will be fixed and driven by somebody....... If it were me, I'd try to make See if you can cut a deal with the insurance company if they total the car. INSIST on OEM parts and a really good body shop if they don't. Good Luck!
I would say probably a total. Not nearly as bad as mine. That old Jeep actually wrinkled the roof!! And bent the traction battery. But you're still looking at some pretty extensive repair work. Prius is an amazing vehicle.
Yeah, I agree with @bisco. It should be simpler and quicker to get you back on the road and then there's the whole thing with resale value of a car that's been in a wreck.