2003 prius. I lost my key. So went online bought a used ignition with key and immobilizer and the ecu. I connected everything when i went to start the car is giving power go headlight and horn but cluster radio and heater and wipers wont go on and i cant start it can someone tell me what i did wrong
The cluster wont even light up. My friend was able to go to the fuse box and jump something and it lit up but still wouldnt start but if you turn the key on the cluster will not even light up
"... and immobilizer and the ecu" ? What ecu did you replace? When an immobilizer meets a new HV ECU or vice versa, they need to be left alone for half an hour with the ignition on, to get better acquainted. Details in the repair manual.
I replaced the ignition and the immobilizer that connects to it lil square box in dashboard on top of steering colum the ecu it came with was the one behind the glove box on right hand side my friend said we shouldnt have had to change that just the ignition and immobilizer so i connected the old ecu back we were trying different things to get cluster to light up again. When pit key in you can here the ignition bell just nothing happens when you turn the ignition like if the ignition isnt getting any power
We can see that the security light stops flashing when key goes in i believe thats showing yhe clearance for that part of it this car ran beautiful all i did was lose my freaken key dealer tried to tell me 500 to make key and flash the computer and i didnt want to pay that much and get the car towed there