Heheh... Well, the Volta gets 35 mpg on the highway if you can believe it. Obviously not when it's going from 0-60 in 4 seconds though.
Hate to crush your dreams, but glossynews is definitely, absolutely, fo-sho a satire site. Read some of the other headlines... (edit: but I think you all knew that anyway. Damn sleep deprivation.)
A much more plausible and entertaining story by these same folks is at http://www.glossynews.com/artman/publish/o...ating_505.shtml
I guessed this was a satire article when I saw "Priapus" as the model name. In Greek mythology, Priapus is the god of male procreative power. Though it would be refreshing to see a sports car where the sexual implications aren't[/b] subliminal... :mrgreen:
Same here. I was suspicious due to the name and the fact it gets no mention on the German Toyota site. Much prefre Volta as a name too
any car shows that included the volta lately? and do you think it's just a comcept.. or. do you think they actualy build it to show?.. if it's in Ca.. and it's a real volta.. then i'll go see it.. but if it's just the body.. then.. nah.. i'll wait for mine to arive.. hehe :mrgreen:
The Tow Guy 1470 Dale Way Costa Mesa, CA 92626-3919 Phone: (714) 437-1400 To be specific. It's right there on the driver-side door. (or switchboard.com, I forget)
Hi folks, The Volta concept car was debuted in March at the Geneva Show. This is one article describing the car. [web:46c35930b9]http://www.auto123.com/en/info/news/news,view.spy?artid=21889[/web:46c35930b9] A thing of beauty and power plus, and Eco too! Regards, kenmac