My usual pattern of charging is to let the Prime charge up after midnight for however long it takes to go up to full charge. However, I wonder about charging during the day in terms of peak load on the utility. If I drain the battery during the morning, and then come back home, assuming I am going out later in the day or that evening, does it make ecological sense to run it on gas or should I plug it in for a charge during the day, when peak demand for electric is happening on the grid? Which is worse for the environment? I live in Delaware where most of the electricity comes from natural gas power stations, but of course, at peak load times, who knows where the power is coming from.
i think that it is too complicated to bother. do what works out best, the rest will sort itself, eventually
That's a tough one to work out. All I can suggest is that closer to peak times you'll be buying power from sources that are easy to start and stop- natural gas & diesel for example. Off peak, it's more likely to be sources that are bigger and harder to steer like coal & nuclear.
When you had a car that just runs on gas did you run it any particular time because of pollution? Drive the car and charge it when it makes financial sense and let the car and the government do the rest. You know you can count on them to do what is best. "Sarcasm intended"
Michael--You get your electricity from the PJM Interconnection, which is predominately powered by coal and gas (PJM - Markets & Operations). Even so, except during summer demand peaks, you're probably better off charging and running off of electric if you know you are headed out again later in the day. I would guess that the GHG emissions are similar when you include the full life cycle of each fuel, but your EV driving is likely cheaper, and helps with local air quality. As PJM transitions to more clean sources, it will make more sense to charge at any time other than peak events.
I don't know the answer to your question, but if you could charge directly from PV without any grid connection during the day. That would be most ecological. Of course, it has to be a sunny day.