It sucks, how "minor accident" morphs into $3500 to $5000. I wouldn't doubt too, all the quotes will end up higher when it's all done. I just pony up for collision insurance, year-after-year. A little bit of yearly pain, but I think it works out, we've had our share of claims. Obviously, the insurers are going to come out ahead, or they wouldn't be in business. But I'm ok with the annual premiums, and paying the deductable.
Yeah. This certainly sucks and I get why comprehensive for most works best. I have been running no comp for close to a decade though and with it I would be paying 2.5x what I currently pay. Just with this newly acquired car in the last ~2 years have saved ~1840 off of insurance by not having it. So long as I convince myself to look at it that way, things like this are the price of driving and making mistakes. Just need to find the best way forward.
I'd concede you're probably ahead of the game financially. Still, when it's all coming out of your pocket, there's so much more incentive to cut corners, or let repairs slide. I guess that's the big advantage of insurance: no qualms about getting complete/full repairs. If you switch to comprehensive now, you'll be accident-free for the next decade, lol.