Hello! basically, the car's multi-information display turns off randomly and when it does, its impossible to power the car off with the power button, so i have to disconnect the 12v battery to do it. note: the touchscreen display is always active at that time. another note: this has happened 3 times so far. my question is what part could cause this kind of problem or what to do to stop this
Replace the display to stop the behavior you are experiencing . Matt at @Texas Hybrid Batteries does this for a fee . Might be worth a PM.
Your problem is your combination meter is faulty. You have 2 options either to have your existing one repaired, or to replace it. I sell them on eBay for $110 if you’re interested. To remove and reinstall combination meter should take you 1-2 hours with proper procedure.
My combo was bad for about a year. Till at the end the car wouldn't shut down so that was that. Installed a new combo using the youtube video. It looks very daunting at first but tis mostly pretty easy. The YT covers it all. PM Matt at Texas Hybrids. Just sold him my core.
Hold the power button down for 3+ seconds now to get it to shut down. Might want to use the e-brake to confirm it's in Park, since you may not otherwise know.
When you shut the car off it automatically goes into park. The OP and me had the same issue which is common on a bad combo the car will not shut off not matter what you do.
A long push on the power button with stop the engine etc and allow you to remove the key fob. Ri-insert the key fob, press the power button without putting your foot on the brake. Now, while holding the info button down, turn the lights on and off 3 times. The check faults display will come up on the combi meter. Press the power button again till you can remove the key fob. Now try to start the vehicle normally and the display and dash lights should come back on .... till it does it the next time Grrrrrr T1 Terry
One last time.......The combo meter eventually fails COMPLETELY and then no button push will work to shut the car off. And then you have to pull the big lead off the 12 volt. Your "next time grrr" is on its way to that mode where there is no next time..
Thanks for the tip on how to turn it off when we reach that point. The ex Taxi Prius with the big mileage is the only one that seems to suffer this issue at the moment and it happens far less since I got fed up with failing lead acid 12v batteries and made one up out of used 40Ah lithium cells. It mostly only happens now if Park isn't selected before the power button is pressed, not every time either, but it does seem to be the only common link between what was last done and the problem occurring. I will have to think seriously about whether to do the 3hr plus combo meter replacement when that time comes, but I did spend 3 days replacing a timing chain that I discovered was still serviceable once I had the whole thing stripped down, but I already had all the bits so I replaced it anyway T1 Terry