I'm not taking sides for or against anyone. It's just that IMO makes a lot of sense: All we know for sure, is that a battery was installed about a year ago, and it was adapted...new post terminals installed. 6 months into the new battery, and odd battery failure symptoms start to manifest. The dealership is not hedging, they are being pretty upfront. " All DTC's present caused by low voltage to ECM and neccessary component" If the battery itself is not bad, then improper hardware and installation become almost an Occams Razor scenario.
Strong language requires even stronger evidence. Too bad we OPTIMA users are yet to have such a bad, terrible experience with it to the point that we resort to near manic, derogatory, and contemptuous keyboard warrior attacks endemic of certain well-known and unspeakable geographical areas. LOL Where are all the consumer recalls and better business bureau complaints (BBB) to OPTIMA and Pep Boys that "PriusCamper" is allegedly making for this "Garbage" upon us "Clowns?" Truly, I am sorry for your loss. To each his own as they say. YMMV. Good Luck Shopping and Enjoy All the Free Market has to Offer!!! (Not sponsored nor endorsed by NewPriusBatteries.com | Home!!!)
I never knew that, thanks. I put an Optima battery in my Gen 2 several years ago and was still in the car when I traded it in. It seems people either love them or hate them. I have no opinion.
Well Priuscamper says a non vented wheelchair battery is the way to go. Using the incorrect battery didn’t work out so well for this woman. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3822557/amp/Woman-three-year-old-daughter-mysteriously-died-Porsche-inhaled-toxic-gas-come-car-battery.html I leave it to PC to figure out who the clown is.
I'll agree that all Optima users don't have a problem... The nature of 12v use in Prius makes that super easy... But the fact there are multiple threads on Priuschat about bad Optima batteries (more than any other battery maker) and multiple additional links I shared that you refuse to recognize, let alone look at amidst your unquestioning Optima glee says it all... Add to that: "contemptuous keyboard warrior attacks endemic of certain well-known and unspeakable geographical areas" says volumes about the depth of your implied red-state/county-based xenophobic ways. And the most enjoyable part of it all is Orange County is now Blue not Red. Maybe you could move to Alabama or Georgia or Mississippi instead?
$190 is a way more reasonable price than the current $240 for knock off brands... Of course everything is cheaper in sales tax free rural Oregon, which is why I buy lots of essential expensive stuff in that region.
Lol... We should have a Priuschat garbage can award for idiotic fear mongering... Wonder how much time your family was deprived of your attention while you tried to find this article? And the fact you were so quick to post about a vent tube you know little about the history or its lack of functionality... More to the point the last lines of the article you reference sums up your position perfectly: " 'It's unprecedented,' said Dr. Gary Utz, the assistant medical examiner in Orlando. 'I haven't been able to find another case.' "
I've lots of meaningful substantive comments on PriusChat threads that have value and help to advance knowledge of others, as well as myself. I go to great lengths to be a valued contributor on those threads... But when it comes to people ignoring previous links and threads and flogging the dead horse of falsely claiming Optima batteries are good batteries, that mobility batteries aren't safe without a vent tube, that battery terminal hardware can't ever be changed, the degenerate nature of revisiting arguments proven false on Priuschat years back, especially in the days of @Britprius, it's more than a little annoying and deserving of some strong words.
The problem is so much of this is not fact. It is your opinion that Optima batteries are unreliable, but there are a great many people who have had good luck with them. I’ve seen arguments on both sides of the aisle, and it seems like for every person with bad experiences, you find a dozen that have had good luck with them. To categorically claim the entire brand is of bad quality, and then get offended when somebody disagrees, is tremendously disingenuous.
People who own Optima that don't have issues may have an opinion that they are reliable... But the facts are PriusChat is loaded with threads of people who bought a junk Optima battery and regretted it. That's not my opinion, those are links I posted in this discussion yesterday. There are no other 12v batteries with as many failures, especially when brand new, on Prius Chat. No other 12v battery maker comes close to kind of failure rate from the garbage that Optima sells. And even worse is how they re-sell defective batteries after charging them back up claiming that there's no such thing as a bad Optima battery. It's totally delusional and irresponsible and the fact Optima owners continue to recommend their 1/2 arse batteries to people despite all the threads on here pointing out what's wrong with them is an insult to having an intelligent and rational discussion.
"Refusing to recognize." Uh-huh. "With Unquestioning OPTIMA Glee." Okay. Says "Y-O-U." I took the time to look at the 5 links you've graciously provided and I find your reasoning appalling, disingenuous and misleading. Here's why: The first two threads were necro'ed up from 2007 and discuss OPTIMA's RED TOP battery from (you guessed it) 2007. Optima batteries are junk!!! - Hot Rod Forum : Hotrodders Bulletin Board Optima battery double failure | IH8MUD Forum With what credibility and veracity do you know the changes/modifications/upgrades OPTIMA has made to their Quality Assurance (QA) and Manufacturing Process since 2007 or thereafter? No, you do not know. You can only reference anecdotal rumors and gossip plucked vicariously through the Internet..... Lastly and most embarrassingly are the last 3 threads, where you utterly fail to disclose the actual reason by each respective OP for their OPTIMA 12v battery failure and choose to only -cherry pick- them for your own diabolical intentions and purposes, whatever they may be! Odd (and alarming) failure mode of Optima 12V battery | PriusChat New Optima battery failure | PriusChat Yet another thread about a dead Optima battery | PriusChat Why don't you go find X number of other threads pissing on another random brand and rail on them? Oh Wait... Two-Sides To The Same M-F-ing Coin. Nice try with your divisive tactics. It ain't working over here. But, I respectfully digress. How's the wife and kids? LOL
Well that's a complete waste of the past hour of your life... Hope you feel better... After looking through what you said I think Optima batteries are even worse than when I started reading what you had to say.
So to address your question, the two statements in RED are what we call "mutually exclusive", that is, they CANNOT both be TRUE. There is 100% no way you got the "correct" battery if the factory cables did not fit onto the battery posts and tighten correctly. That is completely possible. If the cables do not make "good" electrical contact, typically from mis-application, corrosion or foreign material between the parts, the battery CANNOT ever be fully charged. Maybe, maybe not. The question is, what is the voltage at the cables with the car "running", compared to the voltage at the battery posts? If they are within 0.2V of each other, the DEALER is lying. PepBoys is lying, no matter what.
What do you care how much time someone wastes? Most people that own Optima battery’s have no problem. You really need to stop your assault on people that buy Optima battery’s.
My assault is specific to Optima batteries... No need to take it personal... I very much respect and value what you have to say in all the other threads on here. But what the Optima company has said in Prius Chat threads directly, as well as being the #1 battery most complained about on Prius Chat, it an unconscionable racket and I will continue to warn people away from them.