It’s 2700 dollars at Home Depot I don’t see too many criminals buying it for the odd anti theft device they come across
My brother had his stolen three weeks ago, they attempted my dads last week but were disturbed by my father however he wasn’t so lucky yesterday and had his stolen. I’m on a constant paranoia that my car will be next. Everything caught on cctv with plates, however police are yet to come and view cctv. Having contacted them again today after my fathers was stolen they informed me they haven’t even started to look in to it. For all please see pics of culprits, car very distinctive, feel free to share so they can be stopped
@Salma is the dark sedan's plate's the perpetrator's? Seem's like he's working out of the white hatchback?
I cannot believe with all the photographic and CCTV evidence above, the Police still aren’t the slightest bit bothered with doing something about this fast rising crime! Scandalous!!! Soft touch UK strikes again - against its own citizens....!!! I could be wrong, but they look rather distinctly like East Europeans, or members of the Traveller Community (a.k.a. Gypsies). I strongly suspect the latter. My observations are NOT based on prejudice (I’m married to an East European and have lived over there for 5 years). If they ARE from the “Traveller Community”, that will completely explain the Met’s reluctance to tackle the problem head on. Political correctness in the UK puts this Community outside of the law, and they’re generally allowed to criminally operate with unbridled impunity. I still believe the they’re working in conjunction with a crime syndicate based OUTSIDE the UK, because I’m certain that will be the ultimate destination of the precious metals within each Catalytic Converter they’re stealing. It’ll end up in a shipping container labelled as scrap metal, and be shipped by cargo boat to the continent or beyond, where the rare metals will be extracted and sold on at a premium. Otherwise, they’ll end up being sold on the black market out there. We need to get these pictures to the UK News Networks pronto......these parasites need to be stopped!!! iPhone ? Pro
The Audi A4 Reg. SN03DJF is taxed and MOT’d so it’s likely to have insurance too! Easy for the Police to track down and apprehend - if they could be bothered. The vehicle presently has over 212,000 miles on the clock.....!!! Lots of travelling....hmmm! To the continent regularly perhaps? It’s not worth much, and it’s probably registered to a fake address / human too. It’s probably a burner car ready to be abandoned in an emergency or car chase scenario. The other vehicle (White Vauxhall Astra Coupe?) involved is much more powerful and good for a speedy getaway. Note the operatives are wearing what look like rubber gloves to prevent leaving any DNA evidence at the scene. The identical black caps make them look like mechanics or tyre repair guys on official business, the size of them and their four expressions mean few citizens will attempt tangling with them if they’re caught in the act. A national announcement by the police a few weeks ago would have alerted the general public to this crime and probably yielded more results - possibly leading to the capture of these criminal parasites.....but I guess supporting pseudo-political marches through London is way more important to our law enforcement minions, than tackling actual crime - especially if the little guy at the bottom of the ladder is the only victim. If these b’stards were ripping parts off Bentleys, they’d have already apprehended the entire gang and stopped their operations. They’d be parading them on TV. Welcome to Dystopia UK.... iPhone ? Pro
The blue Audi was the car that tried to remove it a week ago, yes with legit plates and cctv you would think the police would have of chased it up, but no, still hasn’t even made it to a desk yet, so a week later god knows how many more cats they’ve damaged
The car is a VXR Astr, quite rare and distinguish, I will be going into a police station to complain why hasn’t anything been done yet, met over the phone on 101 we’re surprised that it hasn’t been followed up
Thanks for the photos. I will take them round to my neighbours to check if they are the same people. I have already been told that they weren't black guys after all but white - the 2 black guys were close by sat in their van & then installing blinds, not stealing car parts. Thanks again. I will pass on what they say to the police.
I tried to tip off the Daily Mail by emailing them these photos and a write up about this dastardly crime being ignored by the Met. My email bounced back - seems the Daily Mail’s email servers refused to accept it. Gutted, as I worked hard at the email, sending it at 3.00am this morning. Could you please tell me where these pictures were taken? I would suggest contacting any news outlet that wants to carry out some investigative journalism. Sadly, it seems the only thing they care about these days are what Meghan the royal is wearing, and something called Brexit. What’s the point having our Prius vehicles fixed via insurance, if these scum can just turn up days later and help themselves again. No doubt, if I caught one of them and battered him within an inch of his life, the Met would be round in a flash, and I’d be hauled before the Beak in record time, before probably ending up doing porridge for the rest of my life in a dank cell. The thief will go Scot free and sue me for daring to catch him stealing from me - and for me giving him what he richly deserved!!! And I don’t even like porridge . London seriously needs vigilantes...!!! Enough is enough...!!! I wonder how many Prii got ripped off today? iPhone ? Pro
So another update on my stolen cat. I went to see the neighbours but they were out. Interestingly someone else who was working in the house told me that the same thing had happened to his neighbour 2 weeks ago - in Sydenham Sava Centre which is a giant Sainsburys just down the road. The victim of this crime is an old lady who lives at Portland Road Bromley. I'm writing that here because I will ask the police to read this forum. It seems we may have gathered all the evidence they need if they act quickly and look at CCTV from Sainsburys and trace the cars with the ANPR (automatic number plate recognition) database they have.
East London, my brothers was taken at the Stratford shopping centre car park, one that is opposite Westfield, my dads vehicle was in East Ham in East London. My brother was told by his garage that 5 drivers had already been in for replacements and it was only 1pm. What I’m finding hard to understand is why now, as a family we’ve all had our cars for many years, so why the sudden interest in taking them now. I’ve been adviced I should have mine taken out, sold and replaced with a replica. That way thrives don’t benefit and I’m not constantly paranoid. Anybody ever had a cat protector put on?
Thank you for your update, Salma. At least part of my theory is correct. And we can be certain everything stolen will never be seen in this country again. These Eastern European thieves are well aware of how poor a response to automobile crime we Londoners get from the Metropolitan Police. It’s a swift crime number (for insurance) and redirect to a victims support group for a hug. We are now the ultimate laughing stock of Europe, and they perfectly well know it. And they’re taking great advantage of it too! You simply as a UK citizen could not go to their country, steal Catalytic Converters from vehicles in broad daylight, and get away with it in a similar manner. You’d be apprehended (along with your accomplices) within a few hours if not immediately, and duly languish in a horrible jail cell for at least a decade. Or two. And the world would certainly know about it too! Punishment guaranteed. Over here, the victim is forced to suffer every which way, while the perpetrators drive and strut around like they own the city - and why not? No regular police patrols - neither on foot nor vehicle anyway. An over reliance on CCTV which is often never where it’s really needed. 22,000 police officers expunged from the force by a short sighted and negligent government that apparently couldn’t care less about the protection of its own citizens. Well, duh! Of course crime rates will rocket out of control. However, try to protect yourself and you’ll be in handcuffs and sent down for a lengthy stretch for protecting your own property. We are, for all intents and purposes, being sacrificed by an inept government who have other priorities. Dare I say it? Apprehending these Eastern European criminals will not fit in with the EU agenda of some of our politicians, so that’s another excuse to turn a blind eye. It’s probably cheaper and a better political move to let hundreds of Prius in London be ripped off at £2,000 a pop. Oh, and anyone bold enough to raise a stink about it on the internet should be hauled in and charged with racial hatred, and inciting a breach of the peace. Do I sound paranoid? I now am. We’re under siege and we’re absolutely helpless. Fit a new CAT and they’ll be back for it, sure as the Sun rises every day!!! London has indeed fallen. iPhone ? Pro
Sorry to hear your 2008 Prius was hit too . It would appear the 2003 to 2009 models Catalytic Converters contain the highest concentration of precious rare metals, compared to the later models. This is what the thieves are really after. The CATs will be melted down and the rare metals recovered for onward sale at a premium. Did you contact the police regarding the theft of your Catalytic Converter? And if so, what was their response, ultimately? iPad ? Pro
I’ve sent another link of this particular forum thread to a national newspaper (Daily Mail) - without the pictures this time. Hopefully, they might actually look at this thread and get a proper warning out to the general populace and more particularly, 2nd generation Prius owners, so that these criminals might eventually be identified and apprehended once and for all. We need to warn other Prius owners in London. Does anyone have any other ideas on how we can catch these brazen bastards? iPad ? Pro
Hi mine was stolen yesterday, my neighbour thought I am having some work done and didn't challenge them don't blame her she is an old lady, I live just off Ilford lane and this happened in broad day light, previously been a victim of mugging so don't have any hopes whatsoever from police, I think it's waste of time to even contact them. We see more of parking attendants than police. My camera was blocked by my van as the prius was parked on the road, I have asked my neighbour for footage I am sure he has good footage as his camera is directly pointing at the car. Bit concerned as my access is 700 quid and will effect my premiums in future, already paying 1950 a year for insurance, perks of living in Ilford. I think these are the same people as @Salma reported however my neighbour says they were from South Asia. I will add more pics, Can anyone recommend where can I get a replacement and how much it'll cost to get refixed.