That must be a record for most Primes in a parking lot. You definitely need to take off your wheel covers then so it's different.
There are two just like mine in my town. I found out when I was backing into the charging station and this woman flipped out thinking her car was being stolen. We had a good laugh once she figured it out. I didn’t notice that her identical car was parked next to me.
I had a similar incidence, but in my case the identical PRIME was parked one car over to mine. And in between us, there was a big pickup truck so I could not see the car next to it. I came out of a store, and was trying to open the door of my car, so I thought. It didn't open. Took out the fob from my pocket, and pushed unlock button. The door still did not unlock. That's when I noticed it was a identical PRIME as mine, but wasn't my PRIME. lol
The funny thing is is that I was about to get the grey but my son said he wanted blue. So we called our dealership and they got us the blue.