I opened the package and this seemed strange like I got three for one side and one for the other take a look at the picture terramir
I need people to look at the photo, I never changed the Priuses brake pads b4 so b4 I complain I wanted to verify that my assumption is right . Which replacement is kinda irrelevant. terramir
I noticed your location is Los Angeles. I suggest you go to a local AutoZone and take a look at what they have in stock. In fact that’s my favorite place for purchasing pads, personally....
Doesn't look much like any set of brake pads I've ever seen. Where did it come from? "Red Spraypainting Random Brake Pads ᴙ Us"?
Why am I getting so much unhelpful information, this is not something I can just google it's really uncalled for. If you replaced your brake pads on a 2004-2009 Prius one look you should be able to answer my question. What internet God's did I piss off ? Why can't I Google it easy ?? Cause most sites will just have stock photos. And no even at AutoZone most brakepad sets Will have shrink wrap so I won't just be able to stop by and check myself. Come on peeps terramir
What information were you expecting to get? Are you looking for pads for a 2004? You didn't say, but that's the year that shows up in your profile. Those pads are 04464-47050 and they look like this: You can see there should be two inners (with wear squeaker clips) and two outers. You had already guessed that much. You can also see the things you pictured really don't look much like them, even aside from being three of one and one of the other. Hence the question, where on earth did you get those? If there is some outfit online grabbing random assorted used brake pads, shooting them with red spraypaint and selling them to people, it would be useful to PC readers to know that.... -Chap
Canadian autosupply house on eBay, and the pads are New semi-metallic with a slot just think that was a packing error Shape is the same except they got built in shims. Just had to verify the error b4 complaining to them. Gonna measure the rotors that came with the set, a quick measurement gave me 22.25mm which is a little over specifications but that capacitive caliper is a cheapy. I'll have to pull out my Russian bulit precision manual one to get real results. terramir
I don't have a 2004 but in all honesty I was trying to be helpful. As you can see from my most recently purchased set you can clearly see and even hold them. I thought someone would like the fact that you can bring any of their Lifetime pads back to AutoZone for an absolutely free replacement set of the same, as long as they aren't worn all the way to the backing plate. I'm afraid I'm not happy with what they sent you...
I paid like 44 bucks for rotors and pads on PayPal credit no cash right now hope these peeps send me replacement parts soon. But as for the rotors will 22.2mm still work ? Or do I have to bring them to the machine shop ? terramir
When you start paying for information/advice, you will get PROMPT service, at the level you expect and want. When you are expecting free information/advice, esp over the Internet, you get what you get, and don't throw a fit. You don't work for free do you? Question: Answer: No, the shrink wrapping (even if it was black in color) would not be able to hide the obvious: TWO wear indicators. Also, you can't be bothered to reference your own vehicle's brakes. Vehicle Off. Deactivate SKS or remove 12V negative clamp. SAFELY jack-up vehicle w/ jack stands. Remove a front wheel. Unbolt lower slide pin bolt. Swing caliper up. Voilà - you have a set to reference. $44 fleaBay pads and rotors. Quality will be BAD. I hope you are never behind me, wherever you drive. I wonder if those pads are "remanufactured". They just scraped off the old pad material and glued on some new material somehow? Then spray painted the backs w/ high-heat Red Krylon spray paint. You will be finding out. Rotors: 22.0mm (new), 20.0mm (minimum thickness; replace w/ NEW). Front pads: 11.0mm (new), 1.0mm (minimum thickness; replace w/ NEW).
Here we go again I suppose..... Purchase the cheapest brake parts possible over the internet and you'll certainly get what you pay for and you'll most definitely not get what you don't pay for.... This thread seems so familiar......
Actually I have "worked for free" in this forum and others contributed my fair share, and I do understand when people are fed up with things that can be googled in 15 seconds. "However when I posted this topic it was after googling and not finding the proper information." The posts I got at first were basically the same behavior that you get in most forums when you can find it on Google in 15sec. And that is uncalled for. Forums like this are around so we can help each other out. And as we learn we can teach and help others ourselves. Not throwing a fit, pointing out common courtesy on the net, and what was happening to my reasonable post terramir PS: to whoever wondered about remanufacturing brake pads. Honestly the stuff inside brakepad is not that expensive grinding up old material and adding it with new would just be a gimmick to say they are doing some recycling, and getting government resource boards off their case. it would be too labor intensive even for a country like China to do this on purpose for the whole brakepad. I have changed brakes on my mustang I used to have and the material is fairly standard semi metallic stuff Brake pads are like what less than 50 cents in brake material cost and 5 cents for the steel backing