Driftwood Pearl, #8, 03-Aug-06, Buford, GA

Discussion in 'Order Tracking' started by tntracy, Aug 17, 2006.

  1. tntracy

    tntracy New Member

    Aug 17, 2006
    Suwanee, GA
    Date Ordered: 03-Aug-06
    Dealer Ordered From (Incl. City/State): Mall of Georgia Toyota, Buford, GA
    Timeframe given for delivery: 1 - 4 Days (Really! See below...)
    Color: Driftwood Pearl
    Option Package: #8
    Your # on Dealer's Waiting List: 1

    First off - I'm new to the forum - glad to be here!

    OK, technically, we did not "order" a Prius in that we instead bought one that was already en route to our dealership. What happened was I submitted an Internet request to 3 different North Atlanta dealers for a package # 8 Silver Pine. Within 3 days of submitting the inquiries, someone in Internet Sales at Mall of Georgia Toyota called to let me know she had one like we wanted coming in any day, but it was Driftwood Pearl. My wife had her heart set on the Silver Pine but, given the fact that the Prius is so hard to get, we decided to jump on the Driftwood Pearl (now that we have it, we like it better! :D ). So, that Thursday night, we went in to the dealership & signed the buyers order.

    The very next morning, the salesperson called - the car was in!!! We picked it up that night (Friday 2 weeks ago). BTW, we paid sticker...

    It is my wife's car, but I have been driving it all this week as she is out of town on business. I LOVE it. And, honesty compels me to admit that I was very doubtful when she first told me she wanted an hybrid. I'm afraid I suffered from the popular misconceptions that all hybrids were underpowered and cramped inside. When we test drove one (a used one - there were no new ones on the lot), I immediately changed my mind. Now that we have one, I couldn't be happier!!! :D :D :D

  2. ramarren

    ramarren New Member

    Jul 27, 2006
    San Francisco Bay Area, California
    Congratulations on your new car!

    I guess I missed all the skepticism part. I just hadn't really considered a Prius until I saw the 2004s come out, but I had *just* purchased a new car (Land Rover Freelander) at that time and wasn't really looking at cars at all.

    Couple of months ago I realized that I was paying a lot of money to run a vehicle with features I had planned to use but wasn't ever going to in practical terms. The first thing I did was look at everything that would net lower running expenses, provide the capabilities I needed, as well as be a sensible consideration for the environment. The Prius stood out as a good choice, I liked how it looked and the size/space in it. After driving it I knew it was the right choice for me.

    Mine arrived just a few days ago and I'm very happy with my decision. :)

    --- '06 Driftwood Pearl (why don't they just call it gold?) #6 package ---
  3. Rangerdavid

    Rangerdavid Senior Member

    Jun 13, 2006
    Boone, North Carolina
    2016 Prius
    Three Touring
    HI TNT!! and congrats on your (wife's) new Prius!!! This site is a wealth of information about your new car, and all the features it has and what its capable of doing. I think you come to realize you have purchased a mode of transportation thats probably 3-5 years ahead of its time, but it is the car of the future today.

    We've had ours about a month, and I think its one of the best purchase decisions I've even made of any kind. Congrats and welcome again!! good to have another southerner out here! :D
  4. tntracy

    tntracy New Member

    Aug 17, 2006
    Suwanee, GA
    Thanks for the welcome, y'all!

    Godfrey, I think some of the preconceived notions about hybrids I have heard (and have held myself) may be somewhat related to where I live & the field of work I am in. Rangerdavid can tell you (howdy Rangerdavid! :D ) that a lot of us Southern boys love our full-sized pickup trucks (I still have one - a 1998 F-150). On top of that, I work in a construction / land development related field, so I come into contact with pickup drivers that much more frequently.

    In fact, until this Prius, we have always owned American cars or trucks (we were Ford people) w/ V8s or good-sized V6s. Thus, I had a lot of learning to do regarding smaller, more fuel efficient vehicles. And, with gas prices being what they are, coupled with some budget adjustments we have had to make (I had a mid-life crisis last year & changed careers... ;) ), I had the impetus to do just that.

    My wife, always being the more practical one, got me to consider a hybrid, and once I did the Internet research & test drove a Prius, I changed my thinking in a heartbeat. Like I said before, I couldn't be happier with our new "baby". I was a techno-geek in my "past life", so I really appreciate and enjoy all the high-tech features the Prius has ("3-5 years ahead of its time" indeed!). It is truly an impressive piece of technology, as well as a joy to drive. And, now I am on a mission to educate those around me about hybrid technology. Just today at lunch, I took a co-worker for a spin who, open hearing we were getting one, claimed that they were dangerous when trying to merge onto the freeway because they lacked pick-up. Needless to say, he was impressed... :lol:
