I remember a while after we bought our first, gen-2 Prius, I slowly noticed the mileage gradually dropping. I was mystified until the TPMS light turned on, and then ... “oh, like duuuuuh!!” One gloriously refreshing forehead-slapping session later (haha), I pumped up the tires and all was fine again. I do need to check where the tires are on our P.Prime, though. It’s been a month or two since I checked them, admittedly. Thanks for the further prodding! However, they’re probably not down by much, since it’s still reporting on the order of 4.7MPKWh, and most importantly, I know for sure that it’s been *charging* less, not using particularly much, if any, more. I don’t have any power-consumption monitoring on our home charger, but ChargePoint, including at work, does, and whenever I arrive at work with effectively an empty battery (say, 0.3 miles or less), I make a point to check how much it charges to “full.” It used to charge 6 to 6.3KWh. At its lowest, it fell to charging only 4.8KWh, but it’s back up to ~5.5KWh now.
Finally checked them yesterday morning. They were down further than I expected, although still not much: they were down to the door-jam numbers, whereas I prefer to over-inflate by 5ish PSI. Either way though, it’s definitely not charging as much as it used to though, but still enough to get me to most of the places I need to go to entirely on EV. This morning my wife asked me to drop her off somewhere on the way to work. I kicked in HV for the shortest time I could, at 60ish MPH, where it should run very efficiently. Ah, me of little faith: Turns out I highly likely would have made it to work entire on EV. Oh well, not a tragedy; probably only burned a quart or so...
Interesting question; I can’t recall for certain, but probably somewhere around 15Kmiles. I don’t know how to answer MPG since I nearly always drive on EV. iPad ? Pro
That should be easy to find out with total mileage and accumulated MPG. For example, my total mileage just passed 10k, and MPG was 159.5. That translates into 63 gallon of gas. So roughly I drove 3500 miles on gas and 6500 miles on EV. So far my EV range is just like new. You can estimate in the same way.
So, if you mean the cumulative MPG over the entire life of the car up to the point when it dropped, as opposed to, say, specifically during the month when it dropped, then, yeah, sure. (It would be just the proverbial ballpark estimate, but...) By that time, I think I’d refilled about 2.5 tankfuls (three road trips), plus the tank that came with it. On top of that, I’d guess I’d put a half tank total on my adding of a couple gallons every 2-3 months. So something like 4 tanks, which I guess would come out to somewhere vaguely in the 350MPG range.
So EV range drop at 12k-13k mile is a little scary. Toyota clearly stated that battery capacity is not covered with warranty......
Again, probably closer to 15Kish, best I can recall, but indeed, not what I would have expected. I gather that Bob Wilson has seen a fairly similar drop on his Prime at around the same time, although I believe he got his several months earlier than we got ours. It hasn’t gone down since then, and in fact has recovered a little bit, typically charging 5.5ish KWh per charge. At it’s lowest point that number was more like 4.8KWh per charge, according to ChargePoint. It is still getting the claimed 25 miles per charge though, and is enough to get me to work, charge at work, and then drive back, all on EV. So, not what I’d have liked to see, but the battery still does what I need from it, and it hasn’t gotten worse, yet at least... iPad ? Pro
Yeah my car charges at most 5.5 kWh. Historical 67mpg over 20,000 miles. So not a whole lot on EV only mode.
Good info, thanks. Like many of us here, I was originally seeing more like 6.2KWh per charge. That, until it was ... oh, a year and a couple months or so ... old, and it dropped in two distinct steps, as I reported earlier. iPad ? Pro
I don't have the equipment to measure just how much I'm charging, but I know my miles on a charge hasn't gone down any, in fact I'm still setting records occasionally for my 75 mile commute. 109.6MPG was my last one a couple weeks ago. Cold does effect it, but we're not cold every day in winter around here. (Owned for 1yr 5 months, 24000 miles..)
Glad to hear it! FWIW, our home charger a, ClipperCreek LCS-30P, doesn’t report KWh charged either, but ChargePoint does.
No chargepoints close to me -- it'd a take a full charge to get there and then use it up coming back. :/
I think that what was being referred to was the ChargePoint Home charging stations, which log usage on the ChargePoint web site and phone app in the same way as do public ChargePoint stations. Your own Chargepoint Home station shows up as just another ChargePoint charging station, but is visible only to the owner.
Actually, I was referring mostly to the public charging stations, but yes, ChargePoint home stations hace some great features. Unfortunately, I have a 30A circuit (nominally dryer) that I’m legally only allowed to load to 80% (24A), and ChargePoint doesn’t offer (or at least didn’t at the time) a 24A charger. Then again, although not “fancy,” our ClipperCreek LCS-30P has been very straight-forward, rugged, and reliable.
Checked my logs JuiceBox 40. At 15k miles I don't see any degradation. Last charge was 6.48 kwh. Its really cold here but I am charging in the garage. Steve
I am consistently seeing 5.5 kWh for a full charge. So that means I’ve lost nearly 16% if 6.5 is a full charge.
I think I am experiencing something similar at only about 5000 miles. I don’t have a way to measure kWh, but I know that it only takes a little over 4 hours to charge from zero to full, whereas it used to take over 5. I would consistently get 27 EV miles of combined city/highway driving, but now it barely gets 19. Yes, it is much colder outside, but I charge in a garage that hasn’t gone below 40 degrees. Very disappointing.