I know I was supposed to mark something... can somebody please tell me how to centre the wheel properly, thx a lot
I made this mistake too when installing a new clock spring. Park the car with the tires centered (tires will center themselves when driving in a straight line with hands off the wheel if your car is properly aligned), remove the steering wheel, and then place it back on again centered. You'll want to get the bolts and steering wheel loose prior to doing this so that removal and installation of the wheel doesn't turn the wheel. You can do all of this and test it with the airbag removed - the car will just throw a few codes when you do this. After you get everything put back together, just clear the codes. Be sure to follow proper safety procedures when removing and installing the airbag (12V disconnected, etc).
... be sure, when you're setting the wheel in place, that you are doing it delicately enough to feel when the splines on the shaft mesh with those in the wheel. They are very fine splines, I'm not sure how far apart, a few degrees maybe. You are looking to get the wheel meshed with the shaft splines in the position closest to perfectly centered. It might not be perfectly centered (it probably wasn't before you did the work, either, you just want it as good as it was then; if you're obsessive, the rest can be taken out by a tiny matching adjustment at both tie rod ends ... few people are that obsessive). If you try to tighten down the wheel at a position where the splines aren't meshed, or if you forget and turn the wheel on the shaft before it is meshed with the splines and properly tightened, it is possible to flatten the splines in the shaft and the wheel ... which would require replacing both before you could have a safely secure mounting again. -Chap
Thanks a lot for the help. I rode cruise control all the way home and was loving it! Unfortunately when I stopped the car I got the big red triangle of death. Im pretty sure my battery is toasted, and all the fun I was having with the buttons was the final jab. I have a scanner coming and bought the prius doctor app so guess im not out of the water yet.. Have had this car about 2 weeks, an extaxi i paid 1250 for and has about 600,000km. Im quite sure the car battery is good... its always held out about about 13.8 volts. I'll take any further advice you willing to offer. Thanks a lot for the very helpful answers.
you're measuring incorrectly. either learn the 12v diagnostic test, or put a voltmeter on the jump point under the hood after the car has been off a few hours.
well today, i had it come to a real slow with the big triangle. Had to pull off the road and when I started the car again it operated more normally to get me home... And I just changed the transaxle fluid today too :-/... i pulled the codes and they are P3191, P0420 (older cat code), P0131... going to start digging around if you have any info on these.. ill try the battery w my voltmeter in a few hours, thanks for the tip.
Be sure to check your oil very regularly - The bad catalytic converter and O2 sensor codes you're getting are often caused when the engine starts to burn oil, which clogs up the cat, and can also coat the O2 sensor with carbon. There are many posts on here about some things you can do to address a car that burns oil. It sounds like your path forward is to minimize your oil burning, clean MAF and O2 sensors, replace or clean your cat, clear the codes, and then see if anything else pops up.