Greetings everyone! This is my first post but I doubt will be my last! I just purchased a 2005 Gen 2 Prius in pretty good shape. It needs some attention to the struts and wheel bearings, but other than that I believe will be a solid car. Soon after driving however the dash display went black. I'm not around the car right now but I am aware that especially during the day the most likely culprits are that simply the dimming wheel is turned all the way down (hard to see at all) and then if the up display gets covered with a paper etc then it will not reflect upwards off the mirror to see. I haven't tried those 2 things yet but will when I get back in touch with the car. My question to the community here is 2 fold: How DIY friendly or possible is a replacement of the dash display assembly? Is it possible there is just a loose connection/12V hookup, or lamp (doubtful since its an LED). With regards to swapping in a new display, how does this affect the odometer reading? Obviously I'd rather not change that or risk there being an issue there. Thanks in advance.
Welcome. Sorry you have a failure so soon. If you're talking about just the CM (the part with the speedometer, fuel gauge,etc.), It's not hard at all, but it does have lots of steps. I've had two of them out for cleaning, probably because of PO smoking. Here's the video I followed. For the replacement, check with Matt (@Texas Hybrid Batteries) at Texas Prius Battery Replacement. He's a member here. He can sell you a used one that is programmed with your current odo reading.
read this good info about your problem,link bellow; Dash and display screen dead, not starting, electrical smell | PriusChat
Some 2004 - 2009 Prius had an extended warranty for the combination meter display / speedo failure. Look for: Toyota Warranty Enhancement ZTV. Warranty extended for 9 years from September 30, 2013.
Hey everyone. Thanks for the replies!!! So curiously, when I briefly drove this car today, the dash display was back on! That means (I think) that a relay failure is unlikely. I didn't list that as a possibility initially but it was a simple thing I was thinking we'd check. Anyways, Cryptogram - do you suggest just typing what you listed into a google search query? Just want to get off on the right foot before spending any time there. Do I need to be original owner or does warranty you are referencing transfer from one owner to another? That sounds like a good thing to investigate.
Incorrect. It is 9 years from the date the car was put into service, meaning all gen 2 prii are now outside the warranty period. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Thanks for the input on this. I am thinking of prioritizing some cost / time effective things here. We are using this car as our Daily Driver currently and I don't mind these issues that much - however we're also passively selling the car and I'd rather get this taken care of before listing as it will affect the value for re-sale substantially I think. The problem is still occurring, regularly but intermittently. I'd guess about 5% of the time, perhaps one out of every 10 times the car starts. When it happens, it often happens for a day or two at a time. I think I'm going to try what I would imagine would be the easiest thing to try first - testing the 12V battery. Something else that makes me suspect a possible issue there is the car needed a jump awhile back and had some other seemingly goofy electrical problems. Also, the fact that BOTH the tacho/dash display AND the LCD have issues, makes me wonder if there's a power issue or some cause for BOTH. It'd be a shame to go to all the work to rip into the dash, etc and find that there's nothing wrong there except the signal or power to the unit. Anyways, I'll do my best to remember to check back in on this one.
I know everyone hates when you comment on an old thread! I have this same problem with my Prius (2008 model). The Display goes Dark as well as individual fault indicators.. Several Functions on the Touch Pad display won't work, although the display itself works. The Heat, Radio, Lights, Dimmer, Aux Power and several other things work just fine when this happens. I've learned to live with it for now but it's frustrating! It could go away for a Day! Come back again.. It's gone for weeks at a time and returns like nothing happened! NEVER does it go away and come back while driving! So seems less like a short and more like a Startup Voltage sense or connection to bring up the display. Interesting though!!! On my long trips to and from work (82 miles round trip) I've found it's not calculating Odometer readings. Which also excludes economy values, MPG or other status features. Having over 224,000 miles on this.. it's actually NICE not to be adding 100 miles each day as I drive. I understand rules.. but after 224,000... isn't the car considered.. OVER MILEAGE already? Someday I'll dig into this.. Probably would prefer to add a switch at the point of failure so I can choose to enable or disable the dash! (yeah.. rules comment again). If someone has worked this out.. Saving us time on this issue would be great. at almost 15 years old of a vehicle.. I'm not going to go replacing the display or computer! again.. sorry for pinging an old post! -Mo
better fix it before it won't let you shut it down. here's a short video on what's the issue. The capacitor failure is very common to happen on Gen2. I did mine by tearing apart the dash and buying a dozen of this capacitor in amazon (for $10) and soldering them.
I've experienced the smaller level of Not allowing me to shut off. I've found holding the Power Button for a long time (like a computer) forces the power off. Other times.. it's not happy unless the key is not inserted.. so requires Pulling the KEY FOB out also to power off. Thanks for the link to the video on the Capacitors! -Mo