So, I was browsing Car Gurus for a Prius with a sun roof because I still want one. My car is a Prius 2013 and though I love it, I still long for a sun roof. I thought maybe I'll trade it in for a newer Prius with a sunroof, I've had the car two years now. But on car gurus I saw this listing for a 2013 Prius with sun roof, obviously just the same year as mine but I was struck by the sun roof because it looks like an aftermarket one and not the solar one. Am I right on that, or is that how it looks from the inside? I was just surprised, because I've heard of no one installing one in their 3rd generation Prius.'s in Jasper Indiana on Car gurus, way to far away from me. if anyone wants to take the time to look.
sorry this post is in wrong forum-trying to figure out how to move it ..also, it looks like it is the solar panel one. Whoops, so never mind my question.
I once used the search feature on the forum and found a couple of custom sunroof aftermarket mods posted in here.
Here is a link for sun roofs. Aftermarket Sunroof | PriusChat American Sunroof Corporation is probably the biggest sunroof manufacturer in the US. They are an old company and did a lot of work for Ford and GM. Give them a call.
Thanks guys. I have looked through those posts a long time ago. So far, no one has installed one on a Gen III, the newer model. The 2010 has less of a ribbed roof or something, I think. I found a sun roof factory that would do it right after I bought my 2013 car but then had second thoughts. I'm just being whimsical tonight, wishing I had one, in this freezing cold Iowa winter. haha
When I was first looking at Prius...I wanted a sunroof, but really didn't want the cost/upgrade to the solar panel. I know I found a few youtube videos where a Prius had a sunroof installed. So it has happened. I also looked to have an aftermarket sunroof installed with my 2010 Honda Fit. I actually went to a installer and looked at their product and talked to them. In the end? The idea of someone cutting a hole in the roof of my at the time new vehicle and essentially gluing in a sunroof made me too nervous. So I never had it done. I think aftermarket sunroofs can be great. BUT...the real key is finding a quality installer. I've had 2 vehicles with sunroofs including my current vehicle. 1 was aftermarket, this one is factory. Never had any problems with either. However the aftermarket one, was a removable 1 piece, non-mechanical, that I had put in an older truck. It was nice, not much to break.