hey guy, I was driving few nights ago and a bucket flew off a pickup truck in front of my, or at least what resembled to be a bucket, my insurance immediately accepted the claim as a not a fault comprehensive thank god i have $0 deductible, however the front bumper was cracked from multiple places, the damage wasn't extensive, the shop replaced the front bumper and passenger fender liner. Now my real question, is 40,000 hov sticker limit already exhausted? Does it matter if I'm replacing the stickers not requesting a new application? How do I remove the sticker on my rear bumper to provide the dmv without damaging the car? Its only 6 months old and at 29,976 miles The application clearly says "all damaged, faded, and remaining decals must be removed from vehicle and surrendered" any advice or input would be greatly appreciated
Typically heat (hair dryer) and being real careful will get them off in one piece. What does this have to do with the bucket incident; was it the REAR bumper that was damaged ???
ill try that thanks this is related to the bucket incident because the dmv wants all the stickers from the car not just the one damaged, i need replacements because i need a sticker in the front
And must you display ALL 3 or 4 of them to be "legal" ?? Just imagine the resources that could be saved by requiring only ONE sticker.......like they do for most other things !!!
all 4 must be displayed to be legal, they could save us money instead of making us for all 4 and ruin our cars, but I only display 3 one on the lower left side of the front bumper, one on the lower rear left side of the bumper, on the little glass pane above the Toyota emblem.
Actually, if you look at the enabling statute and subsequent regulation, it refers to "a" sticker. A strong argument could be made that since there is no language in the statute OR regulation stating multiple stickers (the only place we are told about placement is on the included instructions), any citation for this should be dismissed. I only put one sticker on my '04 and had zero issues with the CHP over 7 years. However, with the new HOT lanes and their automated systems, I'm not as confident that this approach is viable with the green stickers and thus defaced my car x4. :-(
priusmpg, Was the front sticker saved by the body shop ? When my car was in an accident, I warned the shop that I would need any stickers that were damaged or removed in the repair process. If they used a heat gun you might be able to glue that one again and save the hassle of ordering new ones. I use only two on my car, as I have since the yellow stickers came out, on two cars I had prior to this one. Never had a problem. You might be able to use the the fourth sticker you haven't used somewhere up front, although I'm guessing it's one of the larger ones. As for the availability, someone posted in another sticker thread that the replacement ones are not counted in the 40K limit. No source was listed, but the DMV people in Sacramento might be able to tell you. Good luck.
when I put my stickers on the car I just remembered that I was smart and put them on a self laminating paper and then just glued it on so I'll have the body shop take look if it's possible thanks rogerv iPhone ?
Replacements are not counted in the 40000 limit. Sales lady Dianne says that replacement decals have the same serial number as the original decal. I had no trouble getting the old yellow decals off my 2002 Prius after they expired, but the adhesive was left behind. I use a tar remover solvent to get gunk off.
I let my '06 sit in the sun until the bumpers were nice and warm and was able to peel them off easily. Very minor adhesive residue came off using polish.
My body shop cut the HOV stickers off of my rear bumper when they replaced it (including the bumper material underneath it!) if I get pulled over I can show them the stickers. I'm tempted to take off the front stickers when the green stickers expire next year, will try leaving the car in the sun first.
I am trying to understand this. Can you please explain in more detail? I need to remove my existing Green HOV stickers and Place these new RED HOV stickers, I want to follow your way of self lamination way but I cant understand how to do this and what exactly this help?
I’ve been considering placing a layer between the HOV sticker and the bumper as shown in this video. But from reading above posts, it seems that letting the car sit in the sun or using a hairdryer are effective methods for removing an unmodified sticker. Am I overthinking it? I just want the sticker to be easily removable once it expires. Thanks for any input.
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