This is gonna be a long post, just wanna be through! Sorry I’m advance! I recently bought a used 2011 Prius. Almost always on the cold start in the morning, it made very loud rattling noises until I put it in drive. I took it to my local Toyota dealership to get it checked out for any issues. I paid about $140 dollars to get the used car insepcection. I was told I needed to replace my front brake pads, and that the noise was likely just the hybrid engine warming up. I thought this was doubtful, had ice had a 2008 Prius before and it never was that loud. On 11/9 my check engine light came on after an especially loud start, but went away the next day. Now it rattles more often on start up, not just the cold start, the the light came back on this morning 11/13. I took it back to the dealership to get the break pads replaced, and the told me check engine diagnostic would cost $300 or more. Feel like I’m being ripped off, but don’t know what to do. Any advice?
Where in Northern California are you located? We could point you to another shop as this shop appears to have staff that have large, expensive toys . $300 for diagnosis is a large fee for the results when there are more fish in the sea .
I would always get a second opinion. As for the brake pads, I hope they cut/turn the rotors when replacing your pads, or else vehicle vibrations can come back.
I tried my best to follow the advice given, the guy I bought the 2011 for said his dad who is a mechanic did all the factory recommend maintenance on the car, and he wasn’t sure if that included the EGR cleaning. Unfortunately I couldn’t really wait longer to find another car as I had already been car-less in a rural area for almost 3 weeks
I’m looking at other shops but there are no other shops in my area that specialize in Toyota’s. I’m nervous about taking her to a another shop since she’s a hybrid. Anyone have any experience with taking hybrinds to ‘regular’ mechanics?
there are a few shops around san fran that specialize in hybrids. but any decent mechanic can clean the egr circuit. there's even videos available to her.
Unfortunately I’m over 5 hours north of SF... but sounds like egr could be causing the issue based on what I’m reading here...
grab the video, and ask around for a good shop. it's a diy project, so a conscientious mech shouldn't have any problems
Watch the EGR pipe cleaning video first. It's by far the easiest maintenance, and the amount of carbon/gunk in that pipe will give you some idea what the rest of the circuit is like. The video's are good to send to mechanic too, so they see what they're in for. It's a frustrating situation: Toyota has officially acknowledged that clogging of the Exhaust Gas Recirc circuit "can" occur, but seems to intimate it's just a sometimes thing, more spiritted driving will dispel it. There's a Technical Service Bulletin on the subject, but for action occur requires either a Check Engine Light and specific code, or severe symptoms. You might actually qualify for the latter, come to think of it. Their action is those cases is to replace the valve and cooler, I believe?? Those two pieces will set you back around $500, which is ridiculous, when a few hours cleaning can restore them. Especially with the valve, the cooler is tougher. But both are cleanable. A good thread on the subject: EGR & Intake Manifold Clean Results | PriusChat The sand-pounder: Toyota USA advocates checking the security of the driver's floor mat, every 5K miles. The EGR circuit, the thing that can bring the car to it's knees, hoop the head gasket: fugedaboutit.