My keyless entry system works fine, but l am unable to lock the vehicle by touching the grooved sensors (top and bottom) on either of the front handles or the rear hatch. The vehicle will lock and unlock using the key fob and will unlock by grasping front handles or pulling up on rear hatch. Just can’t lock without using fob. Thanks for any ideas.
that is odd. if you didn't live in az i'd say your winter gloves are interfering. my only thought is to test the 12v
I think you need a functioning fob, within range, for the touch sensors to work. Perhaps the battery in the fob is too weak for the car to 'see' it, so car's ignoring the touches?
Fob with new battery in pocket when trying to lock. It does not seem to be a sensor problem because the button on the hatch does not lock it either.
Is this supposed to be a thing? I knew the car could UNLOCK that way (which you said yours does) but didn't know it was supposed to LOCK that way also.
i would think the button is hardwired, but you still need the fob, so i'm not exactly sure how it works.
Having now done this for a week, it is so convenient -- can't believe I didn't know about this. Thanks!