Some places are down to $2.69 here. With oil futures and Brent over $50, I don't expect prices to drop to our pre hurricanes $2.49 any time soon. What is interesting is that diesel has actually dropped some while it was steady with the gas price increases. Wonder if that will hold with the heating season approaching.
Your Prius already has more electrons than that, but they are at rest. They energy to move them is what Plugins use as one of their fuels. 1 Ampere is the flow of 6.242 x 10^18 electrons per second. That makes 24 cents per thousand electrons extremely expensive!
Crude Oil price has just dropped from over $70 to $55. I had been predicting $1 gasoline but missed my prediction last couple years...maybe this year? Normally lowest price point happens in Feb.
Trouble in the Middle East always sends gas prices higher. Trump tweet to Iran: what a US-Iran war would look like - Vox
Apparently before the recent U.S. elections, Trump temporarily eased up on Iran crude oil sanctions presumably to bring gaso prices down for the election, so that may help to explain the crash in crude oil prices, but excess supply is also happening at the moment I believe.
It no longer matters what gas prices are. You bought a Prius, remember? I still see $3.59 to $4.10 per gallon in my area. Don't care. Can't do anything about it. I just drive it. (Only gripe if you own a pickup truck, getting 12 mpg.)
...the other thing happening is China stopped buying USA crude oil due to the trade disputes. So that is building our oil inventories and reducing prices..only temporarily some feel.
Well oil has dropped nicely. Hope it stays that way so it costs me under 30 to fill. Lol Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
The most I've ever paid to fill the tank on the PiP is $24.20. Gas is now down to $2.339 here and my last fuel pip just started blinking, so this tank could be my least expensive ever. Especially per mile since I've gone over 1,000 miles on this tank. Last time I got gas was October 7. I know Prime owners have every right to scoff at that, but I'm still happy.
What is everyone's price per gallon where they wouldn't plug in anymore? I think for me it would be around $1.00 a gallon.
never. i don't drive renewable fuel to save money, literally and philosophically. you couldn't pay me to burn gas unnecessarily
I’m told this is a once in a century occurrence Supply decreasing Demand Increasing Trade stagnation But prices collapsing This is similar to 1981, but there will likely be abrupt fallout in this case because unlike 1981 we aren’t continuing to become more efficient , back then the trend was toward smaller rides up through about 1984 I guess our memory is shorter today than back then
Like the San Fran Bisco treat there is no gas price that would stop me from plugging in but if Wisconsin tax structure continues to Become more EV punitive I may revert back to my 1981 Comutacar to become annual registration exempt. My Honda Insight becomes registration exempt late next year. My truck the year after that. I probably will set myself up to eliminate all my annual registration taxes if things continue as they have which means all my new stuff will need to be liquidated