The attachment is the Repair Manual instruction. Some tips: 1. It's not spelled out, but you want the car to be roughly level when refilling. 2. When adding the new fluid you just keep adding till it starts to come back out. Pour slowly from 3 liters on, to avoid spilling too much. 3. Not in the instruction, but I've seen a Techical Service Bulletin that says to discard half used bottles, don't save them for next time. Similar to brake fluid. 4. Stick with Toyota ATF WS fluid. 5. I found a funnel with hose attachment (approx. 3' of hose) very simple and direct: run the hose down from above, or conversely from below, whatever works to snake it through.
I used a cheap hand pump that screws right onto the bottle top and pumped them in and only took a minute each. I believe I got it from Amazon under the Penzoil brand. something like this.