Yeah I'm starting to wonder; there's a Kal Tire a few blocks from us. At Costco we're hooked on a few items, they are the best deals, but somehow we never get out of there without dropping close to 3C's.
Don’t go hungry . I have the problem of sampling, then purchasing what I sample . The wife does the shopping there now to avoid this. Trained well.
Well, Costco has good pizza. And the $1.50 hotdog special. Anybody can buy in the outside food court. I should get a membership. They say the whole chickens are great. And the fish, and beef. I'm all alone now, as the kids are now BIG adult kids, and moved out of state. (Unfortunately, the little woman went WITH them! ) MAYBE Kris has a space in her barn that I could rent, My sincere apologies to Peter! I totally hijacked this thread. I wish him the best with his tires. I've never driven in snow, so disregard everything I said. Good night!
They have outdoor food courts down south ? Up here they are all inside and require the membership. The whole chicken is a great deal. One feeds our family of 4 dinner and lunch the next day. Wife also boils the bones with some herbs for bone broth soup. Knocks colds right out.
What post did @Starship16 send the thread off topic? Otherwise I bet it would meet your expectations .
It mighta started off the rails at post #18. It's like that Bridge over the River Kwai story: little steps, little changes, and the next thing you know...
I can't believe it's only 7:53 PM??! Darn time change! CA voters voted to stop changing the clock? Is that right, Ray? But it still requires state legislature approval, or something. What's bisco still doing awake?
Some are still outside, like the SSF location on Airport Blvd, and the Antioch location. Most likely there are others around. If any are inside, just walk towards the membership counter and keep going to the food court like you own the place
Both of the Costco food courts near me, are outdoors. It must be our great (blowing ashes) weather. Now they offer burritos? Cheeseburgers? And other stuff that I sure DON'T need. Now you guys got me hungry.............. At 4am?!
Although I hear a lot about Costco being the store for tires, I've never been to Costco. DW have shopped at BJ's and Sam's Club, but I have never seen those warehouse clubs mentioned for tire shopping. All seems to have comparable prices and services. For me, both stores being bit far away, I have never used their tire service. IMO, both BJ's and Sam's Club prices on tires are not that much different from Walmart or local tire shops. Without installation, online tire shop are better deals most of times.
My natural voice is loud, always has been, so I avoid raising my voice because I know people don't appreciate it. Every once in a while I keep my pipes tuned by yelling "Hey!" I don't see this going off topic. My frustration stems from the fact that I'm hearing impaired and people treat me like I'm an idiot sometimes. I am naturally curious, which is why I wanted info specifically for front wheel drives. Thank you to all who set me straight.
Pushing my income level has always been struggle for me. I was disabled at age 21. I had to learn how to walk, talk, and read again. My mother -feeling full of guilt- didn't tell a soul, not even my father, and certainly not a lawyer. My innate stubborness got me through it, but 18 years ago the wheel fell off of my design career. It's been a struggle since. People can't pay until they get paid is the situation I'm in. My wife and kid hate that as do I. Side note: took my car out for a spin yesterday and found out CostCo put the worst tires on front. Ugh
May I ask what Costco charge for tire installation? (including mounting and balancing I suppose) My local tire shops installation cost for 4 tires are usually ~$99 or $25/tire, but the price can be less if tires are purchased from them. For BYO tires, I found Walmart is the least expensive at ~$15/tire. However, if you are purchasing new set of rims and tires, many online tire shops will mount and balance for free.
Perhaps NOT a regulation, but more in the COMMON SENSE vein (IMNSHO), take some time to do the research, the InterNet is your friend! Good luck!
So, you run snows in the winter and these are your summer wheels? I agree, front wheel drive, best rubber on the front. In the 70-80's before computer controlled brakes, cars often switched front and rear ends while going down the road, today, it doesn't happen, well at 75 mph on a rainy road possibly, but nothing would help at that speed. It seems that insurance companies have set the standard, so "they" want new tires on the rear, that means used tires are going on the front, the front tires wear out three times faster, now the used front tires will wear out even "faster", a win-win for tire sellers, they sell more tires, and they don't care that the driver is actually in more danger, they get more money. I had one tire place tell me their lawyers made them do it, I laughed, I left. Obviously, let the merchant put them where they want, then remount them, the front steer and pull, they definitly need the best traction. OK,rear wheel drive cars need good rubber, but the steering tires are still more important then the traction tires, doesn't matter if you can go if you can't stop. The front tires do most of the braking, doesn't matter if you can go if you can't stop.
No need to do that. Just say you are buying prescriptions or alcohol. In California you don’t need to be a member to buy either of those things.
The tire prices at Costco used to be great years ago. The prices at both Costco and Sams club are not so good anymore.