Very good points. And tailor our advice to their "skill level" and knowledge, too. My dad was an auto mechanic & auto painter for 70 of his 87 years. But not one bit of his skills rubbed off on me! I just had no interest in it. And I wouldn't consider myself poor... But I sure didn't need to buy so many cars!! I didn't grow up until I was 40. That's when I finally got serious about saving. (Now I'm 65.) And I've mentioned several times here, that I really didn't need a new Prius! Another stupid purchase of mine. Not thinking wisely. There was nothing wrong with my 2005 Camry. And I don't even drive enough to worry about mpg, or being "green."
Agreed... Also want to be very clear that I'm always way more willing to push someone to improve their skill level rather than their income level. The former is a way better burden to place on someone than the latter.
Yes... Proper all inclusive pronouns is something I try to make sure I do, but sometimes forget and have to go back and edit.
Oops. Guys and.... Gals.Young ladies. When I was at the dealer earlier this year, it was nice to see several female mechanics. (Technicians?) A young woman was changing the oil, and rotating the tires on a big SUV Highlander right next to my Prius. She was very petite, and I couldn't believe how easy it was for her to lift those big heavy wheels! She was quick & efficient. She sure put me to shame. (Back to my Old Guy nap. )
Yes.That is how we like it -- shaming our men. NOT. So, just so those of you who are new -- know -- I am not one of the FemNazi sorts. But, my father raised all of his kids to be reliant on themselves, including me, the only girl. I KNOW that there are things that men can do better than I can. I also know there are things that I can do better. The deal is -- let me -- or he -- try. If we fail....and I do...well... Kris
Well said, Kris. After 3 girls ahead of me, the only boy, I think my dad was pooped... ! I'm not as mechanically insufficient as I claim to be, or joke about. I just prefer not to brag about building a Ferrari from scratch. LOL!! --Magnum P.I. Beverly Hills, Ca
I will be up in the great Pacific Northwest at Thanksgiving. Through Oregon and on to Seattle. Is either one of you available to change my oil? I tip well!
Yes sir. I certainly hope so. I need to check the news. No wind at all today, at least down here in my area. A weird calm....
Happened to hear some spokesman on the news: the winds are supposed to pick up again tomorrow. He kept referring to it as Mother Nature...
Been windy up here and the air quality has shown poor. My kids being forced to stay indoors is a large challenge. Hoping for a calm evening for the fire fighters .
I may be wrong (or nuts!) but every year it seems to be drier, and warmer, and windier, and less rain in SoCal. The weather here, has very noticeably changed.