Make sure you guys keep your plug-ins and your Primes topped off, and charged up. You never know what's coming. I just like to use caution; be prepared as much as possible. I've seen way too many weird events occur in crazy LA-LA Land.
You can always make up a situation where a specific vehicle will or won’t do the job. Perhaps you should only consider a vehicle with a hospital grade filtration system? In my area, mass evacuations just don’t happen. Both electric and gas cars have plenty of range to get out of any disaster that I can see happening here. As for even less likely societal level disasters (plague, banks all going under at once, etc), I can fuel at home, with or without grid power. In general, the most flexible fuel system IMO would be a PHEV with a large gas tank, large battery and capable of running on either gas or electricity without any of the other fuel available.
Agreed - a PHEV makes a lot of sense, with 30-40km EV range, but then as a hybrid another 1000km. My next car will be a PHEV. And - it's 57 years since I last saw a bushfire close-by (about 2 miles away) - which isn't to say there won't be one next week. We're more likely to lose power after severe storms. And it's a long time since I saw a manual pump. But they probably couldn't use one because they couldn't operate the EFTPOS machine to take the client's money. Yes, I'd like a TESLA Model 3 - but we don't have very good charging infrastructure here (nor is the 3 available for at least 2 yrs to people who haven't pre-ordered).
Sounds good to me. Walmart one mile away from me has chargers. And I don't mind paying the extra gas tax & registration fee. As long as the crazy CA politicians truly use the money for road improvements. The only Tesla at WallyWorld.