As stupid as I am and feel, I thought I’d share something. It may be known but just in case, I thought I’d share it. I ran out of fuel tonight...... I’m a little obsessive about money expenditures and keeping to a budget so I sometimes make stupid decisions when I’ve used too much fuel for the allotted days of the week, oddly I never did this before the Prius, maybe it’s a game I like to play with my inner psyche. Anyways, I filled my Prius back up with 2 gallons of gas and she still wouldn’t start. I saw that some people said it was necessary to fill it with 3 gallons once it’s out or disconnect the battery to reset. I took my tools out of my car the other day for a project so I couldn’t disconnect the battery since I was on the side of the road. Luckily I remember I had a obd Bluetooth connector and Torque on my radio. I saw that there was a current fault code(P3193) so I used Torque to clear the codes and magically my engine started back up. Best $7 I’ve ever spent. The gas or the battery reset would have probably fixed the issue but it appeared to be the current fault state causing it to not start even when I had added 2 gallons or so of gas. I’m now going to go home, drink something alcoholic and tasty and lick my wounds. BTW I haven’t ever taken any of my cars to a mechanic since I was 16 and rebuilt my last 4runners steering and suspension components myself so I’m not a complete idiot.....
No way! NOT you. After seeing all these fires here, I'm topping up my tank every week.. whether it needs it or not. I might end up living in that Prius.
saw the last pip flashing, told my 60 year old brain to get gas at the next opportunity, immediately forgot about it and
i obsess the other way. i never let the car get less than half a tank. i live in daytona and always have "emergency escape" in mind. soooooo my tank gets refilled about once a week regardless. the sense of security just feels good. i wish i could remember the old saying that in essence says something along the lines of "it costs the same to run around on a full tank as it does an empty one" something like that.
That's a good obsession because with at least half a tank, moisture/water will less likely condensate inside the gas tank since every gas tank isn't air tight.
I'm with you. No more needless "mpg experiments" necessary. Be prepared to escape..... Southern California fires.
What's really scary, is that photo doesn't look real, completely otherworldly. Yeah I'm in the half-empty-means-it's-time-to-fill-up camp. The tank is 45 liter:
I know, that photo should win some kind of award. Strong winds coming back tomorrow and Monday. Fires aren't completely out yet, but much better.
They’ve only got 20% containment on the Butte fire up here. Here’s a shot from the Lowe’s parking lot at 3 in the afternoon: Air quality is at unhealthy levels and in some areas hazardous levels. Northeast winds will be picking up tomorrow, so the air quality will continue to degrade.
The fire here came 5 miles to where I’m at. One block away from mandatory evac zone. Unlit embers piled on my car parked under car port 2 mornings ago, it’s still foggy but it’s actually stationary smoke. The fire place Can’t be fully plugged up so smoke made way into my living room. I hung out at my sisters place across town for 2 days, smoke inhalation was awful. In stores, you can see smoke circulating in from the heater vents.
I drove back roads home from ocean city, md and thought I had enough gas to make it between little podunk towns and as I was clearing a little town my last notch started blinking. I ran my range meter down to zero and I started sweating not knowing where the next station was. I made it 15 miles on 0 range! The wife told me she would never let me live it down if we ran out of fuel in the prius! Closest I ever got and never again!
My wife ran out of gas once in the Prius. Grabbed the 5 gallon gas can and filled it with 4 gallons. The Prius started right up. No specific procedures needed.