I usually keep a Jerry can in my trunk. The hot weather caused the can to expand and it leaked in my trunk. Since it's all an open space, I get the smell of gas throughout the entire cabin. I've been airing it with the trunk open for several nights but the smell remains. The trunk carpet lining looks like it's built into the trunk and there's no way to remove it. Does anyone know how to remove the smell or the trunk lining somehow? Thanks! (2018 prius prime)
My own inclination would be to try and use a hot water extraction machine with some degreaser on the trunk carpet (like a Bissell Big Green Clean Machine you can rent from a lot of grocery stores). I'd be suuuuper careful since we're talking water and electricity in proximity though. Maybe talk to a few car detailing shops? One low-effort option might be to put some activated charcoal in the car which might help adsorb some of the fumes. Worst case scenario is that you replace all the trunk carpeting (which is really going to cost).
Use laundry detergent and a few rags to soap it up, water it down, and then soak up the liquid and ring out the rags. You can use a hair dryer to dry out everything after.
Are you talking gasoline spill? How much? I used my Prime to haul lawn mower and gas can in my PRIME, I was super carful not to spill the gas directly onto the deck carpet, it was protected three layers of cover (OEM all weather cargo cover, then old blanket, then plastic tarp on top of it. I don't think there were any direct spill onto the car, but the cabin smelled gas for a few days after. Being volatile, gas should evaporate and smell should be gone within a few day if not a large amount was trapped. If I were you, just keep the hatch open for as much as possible under good weather to dry it out. I would not want to take a chance to use any liquid based solvent to clean the deck carpet knowing hybrid battery is just underneath it. Good luck,
Just an update, the smell seems to have completely gone away on its own. I know I didn't just get used to it, because I sometimes drive a different car and when I come back to the Prius, I can't find any trace of the smell. Time heals wounds and gas smells, I guess