Well the cold weather is upon us. Got up this morning to 22 degrees and it's been pretty cold in the mornings for awhile now. Got one of my worst mpg's this evening on my most recent fill-up. 48 mpg - absolutely horrible. Thankfully gas is only running $2.25 per gallon (15% ethanol) Regular 10% running [email protected]
New "worst" of 46.1 mpg, which is approaching old Yaris' summer avg of 43 or so. Gas @ $2.13 around here. .
My worst tank was 46.5 mpg when the car was quite new and temps were in the 20s (F). Entire tank was used for an Interstate trip to Vermont and back. I've taken much colder trips to VT but haven't beaten that number yet.
worst is kinda subjective, here is mine, all same route/speed, distance 7.8 miles spring/fall - no ac, no heater 58-62 mpg summer - no ac in morning 55-59 mpg, ac in afternoon 47-49 mpg (only to keep battery cool) winter - morning temps 30-42°F heater on for most of trip (SE Texas and I'm a wuss when it comes to cold), especially in morning 44-46 mpg
My worst was 35.77, but I sat in Kentucky, on the highway, not moving... for 9 hours, in -1 degree weather. Blizzard of March 2015. Seat heaters and 75 degrees while watching netflix. Car was toasty warm and comfortable. As an aside, 9 hours of idle under those conditions only used 1.5 blips on the gas gauge, lol. Not how I wanted to find out.
Here in Suffolk, Virginia, we had a low of 33 and my mileage fell to 47 mpg for a short trip (less than 8 miles). Still, all things considered, that's not to shabby. And I do keep my little C-Biscuit in an attached garage.
So far the worst is about 5.3L/100k or 44Mpg in Canada for me. Summer/Fall is around 55 Mpg The climate control is in Auto all the time Just block whole lower grille today. Hopefully will get slightly better gas mileage. Will update the result in the future.
Just got my all time worst - 39.2 mpg single digit temps, warm ups on those cold mornings, driving with the temperature set to HI. Yeah, the ICE never seems to shut off when that's set to HI. Was expecting a "hit", but WOW!
You should try AUTO in the summer time.. that thing blows fierce and forever... My mpg's take a super hit when I try that.
I live 5 miles away from work, so for me in the "cold" season here in Vegas (46 degree mornings) I average 39 mpg with the heater off. My high in a "cold" morning is 46 mpg.
Oh man, you really shouldn't leave it wide open like that! Minimum distance, dude, minimum distance... My morning commute is 20 km (12 miles), which takes anywhere from 30 minutes to 45 minutes. It was raining last week, so the traffic was awful. Folks will drive slower, but they won't drive any better, so you'll still have a bunch of gear-knobs trying to cut in if you aren't tail-gating the guy ahead of you. It took me nearly an hour to get to office. Temperature wasn't bad, maybe 5 C (40 F), but I did have to turn on the defoggers from time to time. My mileage at the end of the commute was about 18 km/l, which is 42 mpg (US). Which is a lot better than what we get with the other cars on good days, so I can't imagine what I'm complaining about.
MPG is dropping like crazy. -4F OR -20C at the moment and ICE won't shut off most of the time because of the low water temp. This tank might get low 30 MPG.
I forgot to mention, mine varies a lot because I live by the west mountains of Las Vegas, so going to work I'm going downhill pretty much the entire time, so I can get anywhere from 55 to 75 mpg (depending on the traffic). Now going back home is a different story since I'm going uphill the entire time and the ICE pretty much won't shut off. I get from 31 to 37 mpg (again, depending on traffic).