Yep another Can Bus Question. I'll keep mine short though. I'm working on a 2012 Prius II that has had some upgrades. I have a Macchina M2 and its awesome for canbus sniffing and talking. I have easily isolated lock/unlock/panic commands. However I can't seem to find the windows/heater controls etc. I'm assuming since I'm hitting from the OBD2 port I'm on the wrong Can Bus. Anyone know if the door locks vs windows and heat/ac controls are on a different bus? and is that bus accessible from the OBD2 and I just need to read off a different pin(s). Thanks for assistance.
While I can't answer your questions, I suspect Toyota techstream diagnostic software via a cheap ebay Mini VCI J2534 OBD2 reader will make quick work of knowing everything that is reachable by way of the OBD2 port?
I have that. I'll see what I can find that route. Just figured I wasn't the only one who's done this. I think the Windows/Heat if at the OBD2 port are on a different Bus. Will pull out tech stream and hook up my other PC with a OBD2 splitter.. see what I see. Thanks
Yea... There was a time on Priuschat back in the day when engineers were building plug in after-markets battery packs and there were lots of threads on here about CAN bus hacks that went beyond OBD2, but ever since Toyota took all the Prius-chatter's design ideas and built their own Plug-in Prius all those start-ups went broke and moved on to other projects. If you do some googling for "Priuschat Plug-in CAN bus sniffing" from 1/2 dozen or more years ago you'll likely find the people who can easily answer your questions. But you might have to track them down on Linked-in or some other forum because they've been gone from here for a long time.
I am trying to find some other codes like airbag information or km to service .. so I connection Nvic and elm together. and I am opening techstream and as same time listenin OBD with ELM ATMA command.
Diagrams of the networks and their gateways and interconnects are in the New Car Features manual, in the "multiplex communication" section. At least in Gen 1 and Gen 2 (don't have a Gen 3 NCF in front of me at the moment.). -Chap