It all started yesterday. There I was minding my own business, coming to a stop, when the red triangle of death comes on for about a second, and the MFD shows the word problem at the top for about 5 Seconds. It only happens when I'm braking, and only near the end of the braking maneuver. The check engine light is not on, nor are there any trouble codes that I've been able to find. Any ideas?
What are you using to pull the codes? If not using Techstream or an advanced OBD2 reader, you won’t see all of the codes as there are hybrid specific ones. Once you have the codes, we can probably be a bit better at providing support. Since you just got the car back from an accident repair (or not had it back long), those possibilities of what the codes can be are large, but finite. Good luck and keep us posted .
I'm using Torque lite for codes but i have my doubts about the app. Also, it doesn't happen every time i brake. I haven't seen a pattern yet as to what might trigger it.
Doesn't the TOD also illuminate during the lower portion of a significant oil pressure fluctuation? (how's that for complicating "check oil level" ?) Never hurts to verify. Braking and oil lights have always stuck in my mind since my earlier days of racing with unbaffled oil pans. Lots and lots of sloshing around and uncovering of the suction screens.
If intermittent, probably electrical. But tracing wires and connections can be a challenge. I’d first look for the codes then research them. Even if intermittent, they will guide the next steps. You could always look where repairs were done and see if there is anything obvious. Good luck and keep us posted .
As far as I know the deepest repairs were to the left front suspension. It was completely taken apart to replace pieces and then reassembled. I know some of the parts were taken off of junkyard, but some of the parts are also new, bearings and seals and other things. The rest was just structural, A pillar, door was replaced and then painting, oh and the driver side door was unbent.
I had a Jaguar 10 years back that got rear ended and when they put it back together, they put the brake line in a place it could rub . Lost the brakes one night on the way home. So things happen after accidents.
I had to click on the OP's profile and look at some past posts to make sure. But....this is "Gloria"? The vehicle that was unfortunately in a wreck, had been defined as a total but you decided to keep. after discovering the body shop had ordered parts and was being instructed to repair it by the insurance company. You took the payment, but kept the vehicle and initiated repair on your own? Ughh.... I know from past posts, you had a strong connection to the vehicle. But that's the risk with NOT simply walking away. The truth is, you now own a repaired vehicle that was in a significant accident. I'm willing to go all out and simply say, the problems you are seeing today, are all related to the accident and repair. Either things were missed, or repairs are not complete or done correctly. Will the body shop you dealt with back-up their work? Are they willing to look at again? IMO the problem is your vehicle was in a significant accident. Which means the ENTIRE vehicle suffered a significant impact. Unfortunately, that can create visible damage, and also unseen damage. Which means your symptoms could be manifesting from nearly anything, simple to complicated. You basically have to try to track down the cause/symptoms, individually. Given the possibility of anything from structural damage to loose wires, I wouldn't venture a guess as to what may be causing your symptoms. I would first seek help from the body shop that initiated repairs and was paid by you. They should be able to rule out some things it is NOT. That is check the suspension, frame, anything they did repair. A few years ago, my Dad was in an accident, not his fault, and his vehicle suffered pretty extensive damage. The Insurance Company decided to repair as oppose to total. When my Dad did get his vehicle back, the body shop had simply forgotten to do a LOT of things. They had forgotten to reconnect/repair his reverse camera, he was getting ABS messages, etc, etc,.... It took more than one trip back, to iron out all the problems. But since the accident wasn't his fault, and the Insurance Company was paying for full restoration...eventually..keeping fingers crossed, the problems did get ironed out. I speculate, that is similarly what is happening here. I would guess, not everything has been restored to "right". It's just a daunting task now, to try to evaluate and track down what those things may be. More challenging since you accepted payment, and these repairs are now being funded by you personally. Good Luck, I hope you can track down the ghosts in the machine. And I hope repair is not too expensive. But since your vehicle is coming from what appeared to be a pretty severe accident situation, I wouldn't really venture to guess what may or may not be causing your symptoms. Other than you can be hopeful that it is loose wires, or cheaper/easier things to fix.
LOL! You know I read post 8. But somehow thought the OP was being sarcastic. My own fault, I read into it..... As in "Y' all freaking Brilliant..rolls eyes...Oil is low." Oh well...that's probably a good resolution. But you are right. Now the OP has to keep a close eye on his Oil Level. Hope no engine damage was done. Hope he doesn't have a leak that is causing significant engine oil loss. But if it is/was just non-damaging low oil state? Then hopefully the OP can get back to enjoying his Prius.
If it has been run low once low enough to where the light had to let him know, the oil pump lost prime and then lost lubrication. It’ll now burn oil at a faster rate than before. Checking this level frequently is important to avoid more damage.
Actually, oil pressure has zero to do with cylinder wear or oil consumption rates, except that low oil level is almost certainly a result of inadequately monitored oil loss, the typical concern with these engines is oil consumption itself. The low oil pressure warnings which have already happened, as you suggest, have done damage. Just not to rings, pistons or cylinders. Those components are more often damaged by an overheating event than anything else, certainly dirty oil from inadequate maintenance, is another potential factor, but almost never the cause. Loss of compression (ring tension or accelerated ring wear) is most commonly due to inadequately filtered intake air. The typical issues I have fixed related to uber-cr@ppy "will-fit" filters, installation errors of various types and poor filtration from "open" type filters. The second major cause is overheating, unfortunately the average buyer would have no way to know if that ever happened. Generally OEM software can ferret this information from the PCM, if it has not been tampered with.
No we all just open the hood and check the basics if there's any issues with the car. You probably never check the oil and you have a Prius that eats oil. Most People on this site who have those 2 things going on usually end up buying a new motor. Lots and lots of blown G2 motors on this site because of no oil. Since the oil was so low it threw a zero oil pressure TOD the engine usually incurs some damage. At the very least usually it will now turn into an oil eating little monster so you have to up the never open the hood thing. If damage extensive will soon start knocking.
Sorry about the tardiness of my reply but I've been swamped with work and getting home exhausted. My apologies to whomever was thinking I was being sarcastic when I posted about the low oil level, I was being accurate but using Y'all kinda didn't work. That said I returned to my body guy, the one who sold me the car originally, as well as did the repairs after the collision. We put Gloria up in the rack and found zero leakage under the car. I though maybe a leaked caused by the collision, whether a warped oil pan all the way up to a severely cracked block. Nope. Nothing. Not even a sheen of oil anywhere, on the block, on the frame, or on the plastic undercarriage pieces. His best guess was it lost oil but was repaired when he pulled apart everything on the drivers front quarter, including the driver side drive shaft. Does that use engine oil in that area? There is no haze out the tail pipe. We topped off the oil, less than 2 quarts, to the top fill dot. checking every 48 hours still sitting at the top fill dot and no evidence of water infiltration or anything else. I am checking daily under my car and still no leaks, especially in my driveway. While I don't know the EXACT reason for oil loss, it seems to have been resolved, though I will continue to monitor for the time being. Yes. I am emotionally attached to this car. This is far and away the best vehicle I have EVER owned, and that includes two and four wheeled vehicles. I do not have the financial resources to just up and buy a new car whenever I feel like it. I have spent the last four years busting my a$$ improving my credit score and I am still a ways from being able to walk into any dealership. As far as the total is concerned, I have all the paperwork I need to prove the insurance company lied to me. The inspection they did was not indicative of my actual car. His inspection claimed multiple tears, stains, and excessive mold that does not exist anywhere in my car. According to my body guy he spent the bulk of his time looking at his phone, not my car, and not a single pic was taken or submitted. My body guy has also provided me with an affidavit stating he was told by the Trexis agent to start the repairs, which is a contradiction to what the Trexis agent told me in an email. Trexis flat out lied to me regarding the damage and I can prove it. This is why I took the money from Trexis and had my body guy go ahead with the repairs. I hope this clears up any misconceptions or misinformation.