Looking to possibly replace my front emblem with a different style. I personally measured it to be about 6.25 in wide and 4.25 in in Height. Looking online at different options out there but can't figure out what size I need. Thinking about a Lexus logo blue late model logo or even maybe a light up oem Toyota one
Well that sucks... When u tag someone it doesnt come up any alerts... U have the right dimensions, i used CM instead tho lol. But converting CM to IN its the same dimensions. Mine comes from a Lexus LX570 2008-2011, the rear badge and front badge is the exact same dimensions as the prius. (alot of badge sharing lol, the front badge on the auris is the rear badge of the prius aswell lol). But yea, it doesnt work just searching for the dimensions and "toyota" or "lexus" on google or where-ever u r searching. U must write in a model name, like "LX570 emblem", there is gold badges available for it, for both the LX570 and the prius, wouldve maybe looked cool with gold L/T emblem on ur red and black? I have yet to find a blue lexus logo... Theyre just impossible to find... I tried to contact Aimgain once (since they have the new style lexus emblem on their pics of ther bumper/kit). But not even they knew where theyve gotten it from. What also couldve been cool tho, is this, buying a normal emblem, then paint the "L" in blue. I have been thinking of doing this.
I'm told by Koyei USA the 3rd gen gs300 uses the same size badge. The one above is 300 bucks for the badge for the blue one. I'm okay on that lol
Thats the dudes i asked who`s emblem theyre using! lol, after aimgain couldnt answer. I asked them on facebook like 2 years ago and they said the used the emblem from the 2008-2011 LX570, then they just make the backplate out of plastic themselves, i bought my front emblem for 100 dollars on ebay instead of buying it from them for 300 tho. And i bought the rear one for like 80 at ebay aswell. But i bet the blue one looks great tho, also since it has the finish over it that makes it look like it has radar lol.
yup, i just used the blue graphic plate thats already behind the toyota emblem, wrapped it in black wrap. It got pretty damn solid, so it was almost like soft plastic. It still looks great, im soon chaning the front bumper tho, so im most likely gonna have to make a new backplate when i rip off the Lexus emblem to be used on the new bumper.
I wish lol, still saving up for that, shipping to norway costs more then the bumper itself...700 dollars for the bumper, then like 1000 dollars for shipping. So this is gonna have to do for now, im gonna buy some new DRL light strips thats E-certified DRL and Parking lights, they will sit somewhere around the blinkers and foglights, either horisontally or vertically as in this pic, and then ill cover up the parking lights in the headlight with either eyebrows or baking the headlights open to black out everything (including the parking lights) inside thats not reflector`s. reaaaaaal quick bad photoshop i made of my plan lol.
I have seen that spoiler lip, i just dont know if i should get any lip for it, since its getting changed out some day anyways. And i already got a second unpainted 2011 front bumper, theyre cheap AF, costed me 100 dollars with shipping brand new. lol. My plan is to also drill some holes for blind spot cameras aswell, i just HATE how toyota have made the enternaiment system so damn complicated... Its really difficult adding video soruces and stuff without loosing the park assist. But yea, my prius isnt really our first priority right now, Its sittin in the garage waiting to get modified and put on the car, We have a 1982 Firebird thats just been re sprayed and stuff that we r doing things with thats taken over first priority now. And the emblem was a perfect fit, i just pressed it in and its still on 2 years later lol. Its pretty much a perfect fit.