Hello, I noticed sometimes when I come up to a right turn, and start turning my wheel right slightly as a slow down (around 5MPH or less) I hear a very feint almost card clicking noise almost like the sound when you put a poker card in your bicycle spoke. Its so quiet, its hard to hear. But, I hear it.... Then, sometimes when I make a U-TURN (LEFT U-TURN) it feels like the front right wheel almost slides and looses grip. I am not driving rough at all. The dash will momentarily light up like I am losing traction. That sound is noticeably louder. Almost like when your ABS pulsates. Its a '14 with 50K miles. I have a Toyota extended warranty, but Not sure if this type of thing is covered. It discourages me to use it because if it is not covered, you still have to pay $180.00 for Toyota to look at it. Any idea what it could be? Is this type of thing covered maybe?
Sounds like you have a bad CV joint. But maybe you have a bad sensor. Either way you should get it looked at. You should read your extended warranty and see if that is covered. Most extended warranties will cover it, depending on the type of warranty you purchased.
How long ago was the previous wheel alignment? It's the first thing to look for when one wheel slips during a tight turn.
I had a similar issue on one of my prius's when the caliper bushings seized on one of my calipers, but that was a 10 year old prius with almost 200k miles! I also had an issue with a CV joint that sounds similar! Lots of stuff down there that can makes a lot of bad noises! If you aren't mechanically inclined then unfortunately you have to take that gamble that it is something covered under warranty! If your warranty doesnt state that it covers the brake system or drivetrain then I would say you are out of luck and need to be prepared to pay them $180 or you could ask the forums for a reliable independent shop in your area that will usually charge cheaper prices
Mine does the same exact thing. Always has. To no avail, I’ve complained since the car was brand new, that the brakes rattle terribly over pot hole and lane divider reflectors (Boss Dots). That’s another story. I have a hunch that the noise we are hearing is the transitioning of the regenerative braking to the hydraulic brake pedal pressure. Toyota is pretty much “fingers in the ears” about brake noise, as it seems. Best thing is to have it looked at so that you’ll have documentation in case a real problem come up.
This is a quirk of the gen 3 prius and other toyotas it has been noted in a tsb a few years back toyota is fully aware of the noise its normal for this car to do that its part of the steering muchanism or intermediate shaft because toyota never fully redisgned some there parts its just a quirk but if you feel your car isnt what you expect it to be take it in to get it looked over. Mine has 110k the click is so random at right turns i never pay it any mind. I think it sounds kinda cool while no danger exists. But if you get the hard clicking on every turn its time to see a repair shop. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
While I don’t doubt that there is a steering rattle condition out there, this seem to be a rotational clicking in the wheel (not steering wheel). There is zero feedback though the steering. It’s only audible with the driver window down and does not occur (as far as I know) all the time. I believe that the noise may be from a stack- up of tolerance coming from the outer CV joint. This does not necessarily mean that the CV joint is worn, since this noise has been apparently there since new. The frequency of the rattle seems to be faster than the wheel speed... pointing more and more toward the mechanics and angle of the joint during a tight turn. I think it’s just an inherent design anomaly. What! Me worry?