Not sure if the above is serious or sarcastic, but I’ll take it as a serious question . Click on the member of interest Find the ignore link Place the member of interest on your personal ignore list You can tell though when the ignored member is involved even though their comments aren’t visible to you . But the reactions are usually the same, so I know why.
What I don't quite understand is... You had all these symptoms for a entire year...but then... You thought the Check Hybrid System message was a "fluke"? Most people get far less revelation that something is happening. The warning signs you were getting including the Check Hybrid System code itself were nearly akin to a bright shaft of light, and the voice of god telling you your battery was failing. Why even try to reset it? Except maybe just to try to get it to the dealership. Especially since you are still under warranty? You might of been able to get that battery replaced months ago. Enjoy the new Hybrid battery and hopefully a return to earlier levels of efficiency. But I kind of suspect you suffered needlessly too long.
I'm too old not to... I don't know. I've always felt that I can ignore a poster, without hiding them or hiding from them. If I don't want to respond? Don't want to read their posts? Then just don't do it. I don't need a button that sweeps them under the carpet. Also, even someone I may venomously or routinely disagree with, I can sometimes learn from. I don't like the way we have become able to tailor our information input in this world to only match our personal beliefs or sensibilities. We only visit those news sites that reflect our own personal beliefs, we only listen to the soundbites we agree with. And now? We even can tailor what we see in open forums. We more and more can filter everything through our own Polly Anna rainbow prisms. I only want to talk to people I agree with. I only want discourse with people I like. It would take a ban level worthy amount of activity before I would bother to ignore somebody. If they reached that level, their exit would probably be handled by the site itself. Prius Chat IMO is one of the most civil forums I participate in. Sure I disagree with some posters, some times, some a LOT of times..but do I need to create a list of blocked posters? Seems kind of COWARDLY to me. I think it takes more guts, to ignore someone you can actually see. There's nobody routinely in this forum I would classify as toxic. If there is? I'll let the mods handle it. At worse? I think you can learn from the opposition. The trick is reading the post, Then having the discipline, if it bothers you, to ignore it without a button that makes it vanish. I'll use an ignore button, when responding becomes mandatory. Until then? I don't need one. You may now put me on your Ignore List......
So you think I'm a coward? Here in America, Americans get to choose what we want to do, see, hear, etc. And I fought for that right! I'm almost 92, I will NOT listen to stupid. I can deal with dumb, but not stupid. If YOU choose to listen to crap, go for it. I could care less. YOU are responsible for what you do, not me. It is your chose. I have no problem with that. I certainly wouldn't call you a coward for being too wimpy to stand up people who just want to argue. I've learned a lot from the many inputs here. It's very useful. I've been working on cars since the mid 80's. This is my first Prius. And I have found it's pretty much just like any other car. They just added the battery. And everything I've done to it, has been easy. Except getting it high enough to change the CVT fluid! But there are also a lot of know it alls on here that disagree with what someone writes just to start an argument. They WANT to contradict what someone says. Even it is just a comment. Just to watch people argue. I choose to listen to the positive, and weed out the negative. I have not problem with someone disagreeing with me, most people do. And I don't care. But when they ONLY want to argue, it's time to move on. Like I told Walt, "if you can't say nothin nice, don't say anything at all!"
Now that we’ve gotten our Dear Abby scolding out of the way. There is only one member (with 2 user names) that I have on my list other than the Far East bots from awhile ago that blitzed the site. If I’m given an option as part of an organization, it is my choice to use that option or not. As someone who either directly manages or has dotted line responsibilities for over 60 folks, I can tell you that time is a precious thing and that’s the one resource I run short of all the time. While I have no control over the site, I have done my share of greeting new members as they arrive and feel that welcoming people utilizing the “Dutch Uncle” methods should be coached. But how do you do that over the internet? Cheers .
No, but I think using the Ignore button is cowardly. What are you afraid of seeing or reading? Can you not ignore something on your own? Afraid and of an opposing "idea"? Why is it necessary? I strive to learn from opposition, not ignore it. Yeah, and as I put in my post, I don't think that's all good. We're all sheltering ourselves and filtering our input through our own personal dream catchers. If all you see is what you want to see, if all you hear is what you want to hear, you aren't seeing the world for what it is, and IMO that's bad. I think it's better to see as much as possible, to hear the opposing viewpoint. To listen to viewpoints that might make me uncomfortable, to see things I might not want to see. Being "uncomfortable" with an idea, concept, and reality is often the genesis of change and positive evolution. Ignoring something? Is rarely the best approach. often a cowardly approach. It's the easy way out. If you fought for this country? Then ostensibly you saw a problem and fought to fix it. What you didn't ignore it. PLEASE NOTE: I'm not asking anyone to respond to people they don't like. Mark Twain said, " Don't argue with a fool, onlookers may not be able to tell the difference. " So, I'm fine with anyone simply deciding they don't want to crawl in the mud, or respond to someone where they think the discourse is useless or valueless. But what I am asking, is consider just keeping your eyes open to the opposition. IMO systematic insulation/ specific choseable input, has lead to extreme polarization in this country. When we were occasionally forced to hear or see what the other person was saying or doing, whether we wanted to or liked to, I think we were better off. It often allowed us to find a common ground of repair, evolution and improvement of the whole. Today, that's not the case. We ignore button the other side, ONLY hear, see or do what we want to hear, see and do, and IMO that's not good. Also IMO the ability to choose what we hear, see or not freedom. It's not the definition of freedom -It's self delusion. The real world, real life often DEMANDS we hear, see and sometimes do things we may not like. And that is often the cost of REAL freedom. America IMO use to be a country that embraced this truth, somewhere along the line, we decided it was just easier to ignore and demonize opposition, and polarize. We lost our belief in a common ground, a shareable betterment for all. Coming Off Rant Soap Box. I apologize if you took my comments to mean that I think you personally are a coward. That was not the intent of my commentary. I would hope you do not put me on your ignore list. I assure you, I currently have nobody on mine.
And you think that you are smart enough to recognize "stupid". I think that may NOT be the case at all.
Also apologize.... For just "slightly" hijacked thread..... Something about a Hybrid Battery that died...I think....
I don't have a problem with ignorant people. We all start ignorant until spending the time and effort to learn. I'm willing to teach humble posters who don't act as if they know everything. What I don't like is someone who accuses us of misinformation and personal gain. This person obviously has no experience, intelligence, or knowledge to share. I cannot tolerate a repeatedly dogmatic person who enjoys stirring up controversy over things he has no experience or comprehension. I'm here to discuss cars, meet friendly posters and participate in better understanding of vehicles and maintenance. Moving on... Where were we?? Pixel XL ?
Who exactly is "us" ? Wrong is wrong. And "we" don't know if you have a personal connection with something unless we ASK. Sounds like you are saying that everyone who reads your posts should blindly accept you as the absolute authority on EVERYTHING.......and that just ain't gonna happen. Sorry.
JGI, I went through the same thing but instead I got a P0A7F code that said that my Hybrid battery was starting to degrade. Nine months later I got the dreaded P0A80 saying the battery was finally dying for good. I had 73,500 on my 2010 with the first code popped up and around 78K when the battery is dead code popped up. Being you're in California it should be covered under the factory as well as the extended CARB warranty. $5K to fix, damn those dealers on the left coast are thieves. Initially I was quoted $3250 plus sales tax for a new pack by my dealer. I was out of warranty by a year when it finally died. I was past the warranty period by four months when the P0A7F code popped up. Both Toyota Corporate and the dealer worked with me since I had so few miles on it. Out the door for $2285 parts labor and sales tax.
I took my car to Toyota for an oil change this weekend, and they told me to get the hybrid system serviced (replace air filter and clean) and if it overheats, the warranty doesn't cover. Is this true? The service writer said things like "transistors and diodes will blow up"... I was thinking its just sales talk.
You read him like a book. Make sure the grille is clean and shine a flashlight in to see if the fan is clean. It is important, but not worth what they charge If you carry shedding pets, it should be cleaned regularly