In Japan, they have a mascot for everything, including the Prius. It, and the Prius, stars in a series of animated videos. (English subtitles available).
I'm very amused that there's a little Prius anime series. That said, they'll have to work pretty hard to best this Mercedes anime commercial: On a related note; Once in a while, usually during car show season (I go to mostly stance/import shows), I toy with the idea of itasha-ing out the Prius. It's remarkable how angry people can get over some stickers (that aren't endorsing certain politicians).
Not car-related, but... who needs a Prius or a Benz when you have a sword? For those who know this, it's always a blast watching it after not having seen it for a long time. For those who don't, this was an amateur 4 minute film (8mm) done by a bunch of students/fans in Japan as an opening film to a convention 35 years ago, back in 1983, WAY before computers in animation. Everything was done by hand (including the great effects animation). Again, this wasn't professional, this was hand-done by a bunch of amateurs/fans at a time when every single frame had to be hand-drawn and painted. No computers. The guys later went on to form a major studio in Japan afterwards (Gainax). There's a ton of 70s and early 80s references (Japanese and American), in-jokes, plus "Twilight" by ELO... and the reason for the giant white raddish is the word pun: the name of the convention was Daicon, which is also the Japanese word for raddish (daikon). Ok... we now return you to your regularly-scheduled channel...
Never seen this before, appreciate your posting it. I'm pretty sure that wasn't just any sword, it was a Thundercats sword. I probably still have some of the action figures in storage at my parents' place. Very amused to see the VF-11 and the Yamato. Didn't realize that Gainax spawned (the also-legendary) studio Gonzo. Keeping it car related, they also produced Wish Upon the Pleiades with Subaru. I'm not a weeb, I swear!