I searched and didn't see an answer for this so I am posting. Found a way to turn off the annoying Entune "You May incur charges to your Data Plan" or whatever the stupid warning is that keeps popping up when you try to use the apps that need internet connection. Under Bluetooth setup\paired devices\Connect for Internet button > has the little Gear/Setup Icon. Open that and you have options about data use warning and a couple other things regarding Internet usage. I haven't seen the warning on any of the Apps since I did this. Hope this is helpful.
I figured out how to turn off the annoying Data/Roaming cost message that appears when you start Pandora for example. Go to Setup (on PIP base model) then select phone, then paired device list, then you will see connect for internet, to the right of this message is a little wheel like tool icon, click on that and wala you will see check marks on Data warning and roaming warning, uncheck those and wala! no more warnings every time you access Pandora or Iheart Radio, etc, etc. Read more: http://priuschat.com/threads/annoying-phone-data-roaming-warning-how-to-turn-it-off.114237/#ixzz2BP9LsQ6o