Nobody has made a commercial showing slow motion of two tons of logs being rolled into the back, or a hospital full of babies being saved by a beepy bumper sensor... so Americans won't buy it. In fact, has anyone ever seen any advertising for this car? Some of the old-timers on this board complain that Toyota never advertises the regular Prius. The c doesn't even get that much attention. They really should have called it the Toyota Secret. But maybe just calling it c sounds close enough and makes the punchline better... EDIT: take a peek at the numbers for the regular prius- looks like they are also down more than 50% from 3 years ago. No wonder they're pushing hybrid Corolla & RAV4. Apparently everyone decided the Prius brand was kryptonite.
That's because people are stupid. When the gas price goes back up, they will be whining and crying because they can't afford to drive their gas guzzling SUV. It's kind of like killing the goose that lays the golden eggs. P.S. I have searched and can't find any available evidence that Toyota has firm plans to discontinue the least none that are public.
I considered the C but it does not seem as well built as the others. The door "sound" when closing is laughable compared to a regular Prius. Can't deny the MPG though.
I'm sure the light weight of the door contributes to both the sound and the MPG. Ever try closing a Tesla door? They weigh nothing & sound like you're closing the gas filler flap on a regular car.
I just purchased a 2014 Prius C Tech. It replaces my 2005 Prius which got totaled by a distracted driver. I had more than 300,000km on the odo when it died. Besides driving, I spent a lot of time with my old Prius, and got to know it very well. In comparison, the Prius C is an improvement almost every aspect. What I like, compared to my old car: 1. Improved fuel economy (so easy to get well below 5L/100KM) 2. Improved MFD (more stats) 3. Updated audio. (Sirius, BT, Mp3) 4. Nicer-looking/feeling materials used for interior 5. Non-MFD climate controls. 6. Handles curves better (Old car had a lot of handling mods) I do have some minor quibbles, but I am really happy with the C. This would be the car I would get, if it was available 13 years ago. The C handles just as good, if not better, than my modded 2005 (suspension and braces). I love this car. I expect it to be as reliable as the Prius it replaces!
Have we all noticed the proliferation of SUV and Truck commercials on TV while watching sporting events? The automotive industry and the Oil industry just doesn't want us to buy fuel efficient vehicles! However, I have seen one commercial touting that driving an electrical vehicle is cool...........and it had all brands in the commercial, Toyota, Honda, Kia?, etc...........I thought it was a cool commercial.
The TV ads around here for Toyota are all for the Rav 4 or Tacoma with an occasional Camry ad thrown in. As for any ads for the Prius - not a single one. In fact I've not seen one in a VERY long time. But if it's any consolation, Rav's and Camry's are available as a Hybrids and I do seem to see quite a few of them on the road around here. As for other carmakers. I see Chevy, Dodge, Ford all pushing trucks obviously. Honda - the Accord and Civic. (Honda is huge in my area as the plant that makes the Civic domestically is here) The biggest complaint we always heard about the Prius at the dealership was quite frankly - it's looks. People will drive hybrids, but they also want a regular looking car.
Just as a point of clarification, I have NOT been able to verify the rumor that '19 is the last year for the C.
But since car mags have put it out and Toyota has not disputed it... that's telling in itself. Toyota Prius C - Consumer Reports
a coworker was going to buy his next oldest son a Prius, oldest son said 'you buy him that and it is kiss of death, he will be ostracized"