used brake parts? why bother fixing it at all .. they had an extended warranty for a reason, most were defective. I wish I could get cheap body work in florida, they dont look at the car for $280..
It came off a running car with no codes.. The part is either going to work or it's not.. I've got techstream to do all the diagnostic and bleeding afterwards. It's not that complicated... And there are backup systems in the event of a failure just as with the original one. They have to fail horribly before you would lose any braking ability... It's not a static part that fan just break... There are sensors and backups that will throw codes.. Why on Earth would I put $2k into a 10 year old car with 205k on it. I've now put over 50k on the new part.. works fine. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
youre right the car isnt worth putting 2 grand into fixing, we look at things differently thats all.. Im not risking the lives of my family my self or the people around me on the road on a used brake part.. I learned a long time ago to limit my liability and if there was a crash and the insurance company found out the repairs were not done correctly or the part was defective and replace with a used one Id lose everything when they reject the claim for damages... not worth it to me, i would have bought another car if mine was not fixed for free by the dealer..
Well since it's not a part it's suddenly fails. I don't see any risk at all. Toyota designed a ton of backup options with this part. Which is why you don't see brake failures. First it starts making strange noises. And then eventually it will start throw minor codes. and then eventually it will start making horrendous noises continuously when you use the brakes. This is not like a mechanical item that suddenly snaps leaving me with no brakes. The system doesn't work that way if it works today it's probably going to work tomorrow and when it does start to fail you'll know it. Unfortunately I missed the warranty replacement by two weeks. The car had been making noises but did not show any codes. And Toyota would not replace the part without codes being set. January came along the warranty expired and two weeks later I got warning lights on the dash. Considering I have driven the car 56,000 miles in last 10 months I'd say I'm good to go. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
I wouldn't want the work it represents...but If that's the case? $833....I've spent more on bicycles. Buy it. If you fix hybrid know what you're getting.
Perhaps not for you in Florida, but I doubt car parts in Lagos, Nigeria are as plentiful. That is where the car is for sale.
I have to agree, that SAFETY is paramount. I'm feeling more and more like the OP should just walk away from this deal.
Original post was "centuries ago" is less than a week? And the last response I read in this thread from you was: " Might buy it and use for parts for customers, or drive it for a while, and disposed of it. " So how was I suppose to know you had decided to walk away?
How was he supposed to know he needed to notify you? Did anybody say you were supposed to know? 30 posts in this short period of time probably feels like centuries.
Just sayin' 6 days isn't a century, and the OP's last post on the issue seemed to suggest continued interest. Also, never suggested the OP had to notify ME.... but in a thread that starts out asking for opinions about the Prius and the deal, it would be nice if the OP notified EVERYONE that they had decided to walk away from the deal. You know...little heads up.